Nel searched through the book, until she found a spell written in a language that hasn't been used in thousands of years. She recognized it, it was Atlantean, though she was quite fluent in it. She found a spell known as "The God's Standing Chant," Which would make not only her body grow to immense size, but also her boobs. She thought on this, and said to herself, "Well, I guess there's no need to wait around for someone to do this FOR me. So here goes nothing. Kalavik, Almokta aa'i Optumo Seshui!" (English Translation: "Heart of Atlantis, make my stand with the gods!") She continued to chant it, and she started growing. Nel, keeping her eyes shut, never opening them, she was growing practically an inch a second. Five feet a minute, and she was ready to burst her clothes. When she did, all that was left was a couple leaves serving as underwear, growing with her body. If she were Human size, her breasts would now be the size of beach balls. She continued chanting, even when she hit the ceiling of the building, possibly 30' high, but she just kept on growing, until finally she burst through the roof. She came out at about 60' tall with boobs in comparison to Fitness Balls, what you'd find in a gymnasium. Standing ten feet above the forest, she started walking away. Her boobs constantly crashing through tree limbs, she came to stop at a clearing. It was here she was able to spread her wings, but simply flapping them made a large gust of wind. Nel sat down, and wondered what life would be like at her size. She would only try to find out.