A small moan escaped from Nel's lips as the strange warm feeling covered her body. She smiled as she noticed the effects that the drop where having on her as her perspective on the world started to shift. All around her everything started to shrink smaller and smaller, she couldn't believe i, she was growing, and it felt amazing.
Happily she looked down at her body only to gasp slightly, realising that her red dress however, was not growing with the rest of her, she blushed as she grew taller and taller, the dress getting tighter and tighter around her, hugging her body tightly, her breasts pushing ageist the top of it, sending waves of pleasure through her body before they finally popped out of the top with a playful bounce, Nel exhaled as they did, happy for them to be free, blushing, glad she'd drank it inside.
However, this is when Nel noticed that drinking within her house might not have been the best idea, blushing madly her head bumped on the low ceiling, meant for the 4 inch pixie and not one which was growing. "Oh no..." she said as she bent down trying to think of a way out, already too big to fit through the door, her thought of escape however quickly left her head as a load ripping sound filled the air.
Gasping she looked down, her dress was gone, all her clothes where gone, none would fit her now, as she continued to grow, filling out more and more of the room, blushing she gave a sigh and smiled, and just accepted what was happening, and then begun to enjoy the feeling. She enjoyed the feeling of filling out the room, her legs pushing through one of her walls into the next room as he back and shoulders pushed ageist the ceiling before finally, she striated her back with a load moan as a wave of pleasure rushed through her, the growth stopping now.
Nel blushed looking around, the 3 foot pixie was sitting in the remains of her old house, looking around, lucky she lived in a quitter part of the village and no one had noticed her yet, she smiled, the potion between her fingers, not questioning how it survived so well, she quickly slipped it between her breasts for safe keeping for now, while she stood and looked around thinking of what to do next.