Still flat on her ass and shoveling hot dogs into her mouth, Kelly looks practically insatiable. When all the hot dogs are gone, her hunger continues to cave and she simply squirts ketchup, mustard, relish, and other condiments directly into her mouth as her body continues to expand. Shoving the remaining fries and chips down her gullet, she somehow bounces to her feet.
Kelly does the same to a burger stand, a fast food booth, and no less than ten cotton candy stands until finally her massive, bloated, naked body crunches to a halt in the middle of the carnival.
Realizing what happened and seeing that almost everyone she knew was there, her form begins sobbing and you can finally see all of her.
Kelly's stomach was nearly the size of a house. Thirty king-size matresses could fit into her ass, and her thighs and arms were as wide as twenty queen size couches. Her cheeks were filled with blubber, and her hundred chins flopped down past her chin and rested on her new boobs.
Her chest had grown the most, surprisingly. Each boob was at least as big as fifty king-size matresses, and they simply rested on her belly.
Clearly amused, the people began to throw whatever food was left at Kelly. Your power takes over her appetite and she goes into a hunger once again. Using her piggy arms (which she could barely lift) to catch a lot of the food, she forced it down her throat. This continues for a good few hours until the sun sets, and you and Kelly are the only carnival residents.
You simply climb her infinite folds and get past her massive breasts to lean into her face. You smirk as Kelly looks up at you.
"I don't think you can call me fat anymore," you smile as you jump down off of Kelly, "After all, 106 is a lot better than a few thousand."
"I am going to get you, Ally!" She shrieks past her massive cheeks.
"Of course..." you begin to gain weight rapidly at your command, "We could easily settle this..." you level off at the same weight as Kelly, and you can suddenly both move, "With sumo wrestling!"
"Loser has to keep all of the other's new fat," Kelly declares, "So that means whoever loses is going to be almost big enough to cover the park."
"GO!" You both scream, and you bound toward each other.
There are sounds of pushing, shoving, and the occasional sound of skin on fat. And in the end...
You fall to the ground as Kelly begins to deflate. Your belly is practically five times the size of the average apartment building. Your ass is huge enough to crush a whale. Each boob inflates and inflates until each one weighs at least 2 tons. You have literally a thousand chins.
Kelly laughs as she walks off naked. You manage to get up, think 'Put me back a a hundred and six pounds!'