You stand in shock at the two globes of sweaty flesh closing in on your position. You don't move. You don't scream. You black out.
What feels like moments later, you come to your senses and realize that you're sandwiched between those same putrid cheeks, and man, do they reek. What did you expect? You're stuck between two cheeks, a butthole, and a smelly piece of fabric. This is going to be one hell of a night.
"Aww, Taytay. I bet you want to hear a bedtime story. I've got a favorite, if you don't mind hearing it," Jade murmurs from above you. "I'm sure you've heard of the Three Little Pigs; I mean, I like to tell it a little differently," she giggles, "but I think you'll enjoy it all the same."
"Alright, so there's these three little pigs, and they got these little houses out of straw, sticks, yada yada, I don't like 'em. SO, I walk up to that first piggy's house and I say, 'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
He says, 'Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.' But then, I press my butt up to his flimsy little door, and..."
"I stink his house out!"
The hot wind blew right in your face like a breeze from a sewage treatment facility, pungent and moist. You choke on the sudden barrage of stink as Jade continues, "Piggy #2, same deal. I lift my booty onto his window and..."
"I gas his house out!"
That last one was a killer, you swear it could have passed for a chemical weapon as you're trying to keep from vomiting. It doesn't help that the sweat from her ass is drenching you with a foul fragrance of Eau du Death either. Her gaseous emissions linger, trapped in the thong and smelling just as noxious as before.
"And so now, this last piggy. He's got it made. He's got a home security system, padlocked doors, all sorts of crap. So I step around to the side of the house, stick my butt in his AC system and..."
"I make him pass out!"
You take one whiff of her silent release and writhe uncontrollably in a fit of absolute disgust. You breathe in the powerful rotten egg stink and get dizzy, and you plant your face in her sweat-slick buttcheek before losing conciousness.
You're awakened by sunlight and a bassy ripper by none other than Jade. Though you struggle to regain your composure through the recently polluted air, you straighten up as Jade pulls you out of her crack. She sniffs you and draws her face back and creates some distance between you and her. "Ewwwwwww, you smell like a nasty old pair of underwear!", she cackles, expelling her own odorous morning breath for you to enjoy.