One day while Moe was studying quietly in her room, she heard some hasty knocking on her door and Sarah's voice yelled from behind her.
Hearing Sarah's urgency, Moe got up and opened the door, looking at Sarah, who looked rushed and was holding her computer tightly.
"Sarah what is-"
"Let me in, I'll explain it to you in a moment!" Sarah said urgently interrupting Moe.
Sarah hurried into her room and Moe closed the door.
"Sarah, what's going on?" Moe asked, worried.
Sarah stared at him and said
"I need your help"
Moe looked at her quite confused and asked
"So, some project of some subject in particular"
Sarah looked at him seriously and said as she opened her computer
"It will be better if I just show you"
Sarah opened her computer and showed Moe the information on the serum.
"This is what you found on the internet that day sarah that day sarah" Moe said as she curiously read the information
"It's an experimental growth serum, apparently it was a top-secret project to take humanity one step further in evolution, however, scientists and many powerful people, including high-ranking military officers, felt it was too dangerous and abandoned it, apparently there was no human testing however I got to thinking why would they be so terrified of something they haven't tested yet so I did a more thorough investigation and discovered something amazing" Sarah said with wide eyes as she switched to a folder on her computer.
"What is this?" Moe said as he read what appeared to be a medical record.
"These are the records of the only subject who was injected with the serum, the project was not canceled for fear of what it could do but for what it did read it and you will find out"
Moe read the subject's record, apparently he was a petty criminal who decided to submit to the project in exchange for a reduction in his sentence.
the report shows that in the first 2 days the subject's physical condition improved tremendously and he reached a height of 10 feet along with a massive increase in intelligence going from an IQ of 70 to 190. Moe continued reading and saw that the following record was It was located 9 days later, apparently the subject's condition improved much more along with an increase in his intelligence, which was now an IQ 820. There were several notes on how he had learned to write, read and speak 34 languages perfectly, solved impossible equations and other related things. to his new intelligence that apparently were erased from the record, however what caught Moe's attention and made him open his eyes was the height of the subject that was more than 75 feet tall.
"No, you have to be kidding" Moe said in disbelief as she turned to see Sarah.
"It's not Moe it's all real, keep reading or better skip to the final record"
Doing what he ordered, Sarah Moe jumped straight to the final record which was 3 months after the injection of the serum and her eyes widened in disbelief at what she was saying. The subject's IQ was 1000, he was fluent in all the languages on the planet and had even developed his own, to the astonishment of scientists, his physical condition was comparable to that of a Greek god, but the most incredible thing was his height, which now stands at 500 feet. they had had to relocate to larger bases due to their increased size.
"And what happened to him?" Moe asked as he turned to see Sarah with her eyes wide open.
"They killed him" Sarah said with a serious look.
"WHAT!, W-why"
"Why did he try to escape and conquer the world"
"Que?!" Moe said confused
"Look" Sarah said while there was another folder towards a video
"Apparently the serum was only supposed to give him the IQ and height you saw in the final entry, however while he was in captivity he discovered something incredible about himself" Sarah explained.
"And what was it?" Moe asked curiously
A blush appeared on Sarah's face and she said
"He discovered that he could grow bigger and smarter through sexual stimulation"
Moe was silent for a moment and said
"You're kidding, right"
Sarah looked at him opened the video and said
"See for yourself"
Moe looked at the computer and was surprised by what he saw. It seemed like a huge chamber or warehouse, quite sheltered, however, the most interesting thing was the figure of a Greek god lying in the middle while masturbating.
His muscles were huge he had a 20 pack abs his legs and arms were gigantic and most of all but not least his manhood was the biggest Moe has ever seen. However, when Moe looked closely, he realized that the man's figure was gigantic.
"Ohh, yeah" shouted the giant
"Thank you for this gift, idiots. I am not only the greatest being on earth but also the most intelligent" The giant said as he laughed and moaned.
"You may think that you can determine my current height but I discovered something very interesting, it turns out that sexual stimulation increases my mass and intelligence considerably"
The sound of an alarm was heard through the video however Moe continued to watch.
"Oh, don't bother, they won't be able to stop me, I'm going to be the god of this damn rock" the giant moaned.
At that moment it could be seen how the giant led to orgasm shooting a huge amount of semen
"Ohhhhhhh" The giant moaned as his form grew even bigger.
The video filled with static and suddenly cut out.
Moe was silent for a few minutes and said
"Are you sure all of this is real?" Moe asked.
"Moe, just for seeing one of these files, they could convict us of federal crimes and even give us the death penalty" Sarah answered seriously.
Moe was in shock for several minutes until he turned to see Sarah and with an incredulous voice he asked her
"H-how did they kill him"
Sarah opened another file on the computer and said
"They had foreseen that something like this could happen so they decided to inject him with just a small dose of the serum that made him not so powerful and invulnerable the base where he was loaded with various explosives such as napam, red phosphorus and a small nuclear bomb When they saw that he was trying to get free, they detonated it with him and everyone else inside at the time.
To his surprise, the giant survived but was very injured, they used heavy artillery and 5 high-caliber missiles to finish him off, then they hid everything from the public and covered it up as a simple gas accident those witnesses who saw something paid them a large sum of money and those who refused mysteriously disappeared I can even show you the newspaper articles where they mention the apparent gas explosion" Sarah finished while showing images of what was left of the giant
and the newspaper where he showed the apparent explosion of several gas tanks.
However, moe could only say
"Wait you say he wasn't fully developed"
"For him to have been truly invincible, they would have had to give him the complete serum, something the scientists did not risk. After that, they closed the project and destroyed all the samples, however, a small shipment of 12 vials mysteriously disappeared."
"You say you want to look for those vials, Sarah, they could be anywhere in the world," Moe said.
"Yeeah, but it turns out that I know where there are two samples" Sarah said as she showed him the page where they sold the vials for a huge amount of money
"Sarah we can't pay that's too much" Moe said for the huge amount of money
"Yes, I know, that's why I want you to help me steal them" Sarah said nervously.
"What?!, Sarah, you don't even know where the seller is" Moe said incredulously.
A huge smile formed on Sarah's lips and she said
"Actually I know... he's in this city"
Moe blinked in surprise and said
"Are you sure"
"I hacked his account, apparently a buyer bought the vials and it turns out that they will make the exchange in the city tomorrow night near an abandoned warehouse"
Sarah took his hands and looked at him with a pleading look.
"Please Moe, help me steal them. You saw what a small dose did to that man, imagine what the whole dose would do to us, we'd be gods!" Sarah said with a face full of emotion.
Moe was speechless and Sarah kept talking.
"Imagine you and me huge gods above mortals fucking while we get bigger and smarter" Sarah said as she imagined her and Moe fucking like giants which made her wet just thinking about it.
Sarah looked at Moe he looked at sarah who said
"Then will you help me"