It had been years since the destruction of the D-Reaper, and life had become much simpler since then, at least for Renamon, the other Digimon...and well just about everyone. Tamers and Digimon alike had taken to a life of ease, and the whole lot of them were much more relaxed. Each day only brought the pairs closer to each other.
But despite this new closeness, it didn't amount to much. There were no longer any epic struggles that called for their expertese, and the days began to grow long and lazy. At least that's how it was for Renamon. Renamon had been thoroughly satisfied with her fighting, action packed life style; living an the edge really, become stronger. But it wasn't until recently that she had enjoyed the luxury of true relaxation.
In fact, many of the Digimon were now able to enjoy pleasure that normally they paid no heed to. One of these pleasures, was food. Food had always been pure neccisity to some, and unneccesary indulgence to others. Now however, most of the Digimon truely did experiance how wonderful food could really be.
Renamon knew this all to well, as often she found herself overindulging. Quite recently, Renamon had become aware that she was gaining a bit of weight. The slim vixen had developed the tiniest layer of flab that covered her entire body. Renamon let out a sigh, patting this new fat. With a second paw, she continued to polish off a burger she had just recently been given, thanks to Rika of course.
Although the thought of weight gain did cause Renamon some discomfort at first, she wasn't too worred. She thought for sure Rika would be quite displeased, but her trainer's reaction was quite the opposite. When Renamon first approached Rika, she laughed, and told Renamon it wasn't a problem, as long as she didn't find herself obese.
On that note, Renamon's thoughts turned to Guilmon. Now there was a real glutton she thought, smiling to herself. Takato couldn't help but indulge his friends heavy appetite, and Guilmon couldn't help but be a glutton. Because of this, Guilmon had grown to become quite fat, a large belly spilled out from underneath a pair of meaty breasts. But he was happy, and as long as it stayed that way, nobody took to much interest. Besides, it wasn't like they needed to be in shape for anything.
On that note however, Renamon remembered she was supposed to find Rika. Renamon was sitting alone in Rika's room, completly forgetting that Rika was waiting for her. You see, Rika had recently found a job. It wasn't anything too glamerous or anything, but currently, she was working at...