Suddenly, Robin was in a completely different world.
She was sitting in a king-size (no pun intended) bed made entirely of marshmallows. Her blanket was a thick sheet made of cotton candy. Robin bit into her blanket, and much to her delight, the blanket instantly regenerated, showing no sign that she'd taken a bite out of it. The world around her had changed too. The walls, ceiling, and floor were made of Hershey's chocolate. She hopped out of bed, stopping a moment to stuff her face with the huge marshmallows that made up her bed. Stifling a belch, she went to the kitchen. Looking in the pantry, she found that there was nothing but the most delicious candy of her life: chocolate, caramel, M&M's, marshmallows, cotton candy, and countless other delicacies.
She gorged on several of the pantry's contents, then went to the refridgerator. She opened it, revealing plate after plate of pieces chocolate cake. She greedily stuffed 10 pieces into her mouth, then looked in the freezer. No sooner had she opened the door then hundreds of dozens of gallons of chocolate milkshake flooded into her open mouth. She swallowed the entire freezer's delicious surprise, then grabbed 5 more pieces of cake, 7 king-size Snickers bars, several handfuls of the wall (which was also made of Hershey's), and 15 massive marshmallows as she hauled her huge frame back to her room. Her parents were waiting for her, sitting on her bed, watching her sluggishly move toward them.
'Hello, sweetie,' her mother said cheekily, 'Did you have a nice snack?'
Robin could simply nod as her mouth was nearly spilling over with sweets.
'Are you still hungry, Robin?' her father asked,
Robin nodded again.
'Would you like us to feed you, dear?' her mother asked as she and her father helped her sit down.
'Yes please, mommy,' Robin said, finally swallowing. 'feed me till I gotta roll to move!'
'OK, here comes the airplane, carrying nothing but chocolate brownie cake,' her mother said, making airplane noises.
Robin opened her mouth, and her mother stuck the entire piece into her mouth.
'Yummy,' Robin said, licking her lips to get any frosting that had smeared onto her chunky face, 'more, please.'
'Here comes the marshmallow train, now boarding at the Robin Station,' said her father, stuffing several marshmallows into Robin's waiting mouth.