For some reason, when Max and Emmy came to Dragon Land today, none of the dragons were present to greet them, so they walked around, repeatedly calling out their names, in fact so much, that they became unaware of their surroundings, and they didn’t notice until Max was on the edge of a cliff, and almost fell off until Emmy caught him before he could fall.
But soon, they stopped panicking until they realized how long, or how short the fall was. It was only two feet, but the water that sloshed before them was so far deep.
They didn’t know why, but... it was as if... the water was calling for them, with each sound it made. It didn’t make sense, but it was hypnotic in a sort of way.
They were about to enter what was called Weight Water, and it’s favorite prey was human children. What it did was hypnotize children, causing them to walk into the water, which they could actually breath in, and drag them into the bottom of the ginormous lake, and trap them inside, unable to swim out as there was an invisible ceiling, and the only way they could escape, was if they drank the water, which was extremely fattening, and it’s consumer would either get fat immediately, or would gradually gain weight as time went on.
Not by their own choice, they fell for the trap, and realized they couldn’t get out and went on for half an hour, until Max inadvertently drank some of the water, and Emmy followed.