The pichu's tongue keeps swishing and sloshing you around her maw, until she finally decides your fate. "Chu... Mmm you taste so yummy. So guess what? your future is gonna become your present!" With that, she tilts her head back, your eyes widen, you start to struggle, trying to get a grip on her tongue, but it's too slimy, and you can't keep a firm grip! "NO! Let me outta here!!" The 'chu simply giggles and tilts her head back further,
"Chuu.. Sorry, but you're nothing but food now!" You hear a loud giggle, and you knew you were doomed.. Looking behind you, you see the fleshy throat has opened up, eagerly awating you, you struggle harder to avoid it but it's no use.
Soon you feel your feet touch the soft flesh around her gullet, triggering her swallowing reflex. "chuuu.. Enjoy the trip.." With that and a *GULP!* She swallows you whole! The ride down her throat is a bit tight, squishy, and very warm, you keep wiggling around, in hopes she'll spit you up before reaching the stomach, but all it does is make her moan in pleasure, feeling her meal squirm.
Moments pass, when you suddenly hit a solid object: the entrance to the pichu's waiting, gurgling stomach, the sphincter opens up, happily accepting you as food, with another gentle swallow, you're pushed in and plop down to the bottom of the slimy belly, then the pichu speaks once more.
"Chu.. You were really yummy! Hope you enjoy it in there, 'cuz you're not leaving anytime soon!" A giggle echoes around you, before a loud gurgle sounds, then you hear a loud noise: she just let out a loud *BURRRRRRRRRP!!!* cutting your air supply down a bit, but hardly noticable, you sit in fear, in the depths of the belly of the 'chu, wondering what'll happen now...