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You get to decide the path of a true guitar hero. |
You get to decide the path of a true guitar hero.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You have the opportunity to begin a chapter in an existing Guitar Hero legend's destiny. The fate of the guitar heroes lie in your hands. Choose Wisely.
You must choose the members of Guitar Hero listed in the multiple choice, and you cannot create your own Guitar Hero. You cannot kill off any of the heroes either.
I will allow any rock songs to be added to this story.
I suggest guitar battles to occur, against any other guitar heroes, and/or any other non-specific characters. You can also form alliances with any of the heroes or fanfiction characters of your choosing.
Here is a list of fanfiction characters I will allow my guitar heroes to encounter:
Goku- DragonBall Z character, weilds the DragonBall Guitar.
Gohan- Son of Goku, weilds the Kamehameha Guitar.
Sonic- Sonic The Hedgehog character, weilds the Ultra Guitar.
Okami- From the game Okami, weilds the Paintbrush Guitar.
Tidus- Final Fantasy character, weilds the Blitzball Guitar.
Yuna- Final Fantasy character, weilds the Pilgrimage Guitar.
Auron- Final Fantasy character, weilds the Stoic Guitar.
Sora- Kingdom Hearts character, weilds the Keyblade Guitar.
Kairi- Kingdom Hearts character, weilds the Starfruit Guitar.
Riku- Kingdom Hearts character, weilds the Dark Keyblade Guitar.
Mickey Mouse- Disney character, weilds the Steamboat Guitar.
Naruto- Naruto character, weilds the Shadow-Clone Guitar.
Scorpion- Mortal Kombat character, weilds the 187 Spear Guitar.
Dante- Devil May Cry character, weilds the Sparda Guitar.
You can choose any other fanfiction character you wish to encounter on your guitar heroic adventure. You can choose the name of your heroes or one of the characters you wish to encounter's guitar, even if you chose one of the previous characters to encounter.
You can make up a setting, or choose a fanfiction setting from one of your fictional characters.
I hope you give your Guitar Hero one heck of an adventure. 
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