15 year-old Ryan Jordan was going through that special time of life that every teenage boy goes through: puberty. All of a sudden, girls he would normally just talk to casually he blushes around, and he's been increasingly more interested in the female form as a whole. So much, in fact, that one day he sees a bunch of cute female figurines at a run-down but reliable shop one day he frequently visited, wanting to buy one.
In the window of the shop, known as "Mr. Johnson's Shop of Strange and Wonderful Things", he could easily see the five beautiful figurines, all of which were very detailed, right down to having actual fabric for their clothes. He even found it cute that there were all lined up in alphabetical order, starting with Amy to the far left and ending with Emelia to the far right. Ryan had a difficult time deciding which one to get, but with the price tag as is (almost 100 dollars), he could only afford one. He had previously saved up the money to buy some new video games, but Ryan's hormones got the best of him and he bought one of the figurines in a heartbeat, with the store keeper swiftly putting it in the box it came in.
As Ryan picked up the Amy figuirne, and as he was given a plastic bag to put it in, the store keeper gave the boy one last thing to go with it. It looked like a black box, a perfect 5-inch square, and with it an instruction book entitled "getting the most of your new figurine purchase". Ryan looked very confused by the whole thing and prompted to ask the man what this was.
"Oh, it's simply a surprise for you, lucky customer", the old man giggled to himself. He then walked up to the front of the store and took the other four figurines you didn't buy and placed them in the bag as well, putting them all in their respective boxes first.
"Wait, are you giving me ALL of them!? But I don't have enough money for all five", the worried Ryan told the storekeeper.
"Don't worry about it, boy", the old man said to the boy, smiling with his teeth showing. "Those figurines have been there for months, and no one's once purchased them. Consider it a present from me to you as a valuable customer."
"Thanks", Ryan smiled in reply as he put the four in his plastic bag. The cheerful 15 year-old then ran quickly back home, which was only a few minutes walking distance away. He felt proud yet silly at the same time for his purchase, since Ryan never had dolls in his room growing up...aside from plush dolls of animals. To him, it was like he just purchased five Barbie dolls.
Still, Ryan had just lost a battle with his hormones, and the boy quickly ran into his house and went straight up to his bedroom. He cleared his bed of the magazines he had on it, placed his school bag in the right corner of the room, and sat down on his bed, putting down the plastic bag containing the figurines he had just purchased next to him.
Before he opened one of the figurines, though, he looked at the black box he had put in the bag with the five figurines, as well as the instruction box that came with it. The instruction book was about the size of a video gae instruction booklet, if not a litle smaller, and as Ryan opened it to pages 2 and 3, he saw something that struck him as odd:
"'Grow and shrink your figurines'", he read out loud the title of the second page, confused by the whole ordeal. "To make your girl grow to the desired height of your choosing, simply place your mouth next to the black box, say their name, and then enter the desire height. For example, if you wanted to shrink your desired girl to 3 inches, you would say 'A, shrink to 3 inches', and in an instant she'll shrink to that height.' Or if you want them to grow, say 'B, grow to one foot tall', and they'll grow quickly to that height. To turn her back to normal, simply say 'A, return to normal', and they'll shrink back to their original size."
Ryan was confused. Was this a joke? Figurines can't grow or shrink. And why did the manual call them "girls", not "figurines"? Ryan was even more baffled by the instruction booklet, flipping through the other 6 pages to see if there was any mention of the word "figurine", but there wasn't except for the title of page 2. Both curious and confused, Ryan then reaced into his plastic bag that contained the five figurines and picked out one of them to open up and test this on. He ended up choosing: