After being defeated at the Eclipse Invasion, Aang was really down.
"Hey, Aang, come here and let's do some more training," Katara said, standing by the airbending temple's water fountain.
"I dunno, I don't really feel like training right now and besides, Zuko is laying in the fountain," Aang replied, gloomily.
"No, go ahead," Zuko, said, "I was just leaving, to go fishing with the group."
"See, now come here," Katara insisted.
"Fine," Aang replied. He slipped of his robes and jumped into the fountain in his trunks.
He got in and decided in stead of getting in his usual fighting stance, he just floated to the bottom.
"Hey, get up!" Katara yelled.
"I'm to upset to train right now," Aang said, his face sinking below the surface.
"If you don't cheer up, right now, I'll make you!" Katara shouted.
"Ugh," Aang groaned, sinking deeper.
"That's it, I've had it," she yelled. Katara moved her arms gracefully, waterbending Aang into an ice block that went all the way from his face, from his ankles.
She then...