Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1430171-Lauras-Uneven-Proportions
by T.J.
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1430171
An allergic reaction causes a young woman to change height (uneven growth/shrink).

An allergic reaction causes a young woman to change height (uneven growth/shrink).

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Welcome to the first true uneven growth / shrink sequence story on writing.com (or one of the very few, anyway)! You won't find any of that instant poof growth / shrink here! Here you will read a story of a young, 19 year-old woman and the awkward growing and/or shrinking of various parts of her body. Here are some ground rules:

1.) Absolutely no instant growth / shrink (except through a foray of sneezes). I want this to be a gradual process. There are literally HUNDREDS of other stories on this site you can read if you want instant growth / shrink.

2.) Not a rule, but note that the flower can affect ANYTHING alive; men, women, even animals. Feel free to choose your victim after the opening chapters.

3.) When adding a new character, please describe him / her in some sort of detail so that I may add it to this page here.

4.) Clothes can't grow / shrink with the character, and no nasty / toilet stuff. Sex is okay if consensual and doesn't involve underage people.

5.) All chapters must be one paragraph long and written in third person (i.e. "Laura decided to sniff the flower"). Remember to add breaks between long paragraphs if possible. I'll edit for spelling if need be.

If you abide by the above and contribute, then thank you very much!

Update: 8/3/2009 150 chapters! Whoo! And 7,620 page views, on top of thatl! Awesome! Thank you very much Metafictional, Drybones, and King Dedede for contributing to this story over the months! I hope to one day get this to 200 chapters and expand (no pun intended) this story's view count to 10,000...and maybe beyond.

And now, here's some information on our heroine and her boyfriend, as well as some other characters:

Name: Laura Carley
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 pounds
Hair color: Brown, short cut
Eye color: Green
Usual attire: Light colored tank-top, dark colored shorts
Relatives: Mother (46), Father (47), older brother (23)
Bio: A spirited, energetic, slightly tomboyish college freshman who loves the outdoors. In a cruel bit of irony, though, she's allergic to many different kinds of flowers, and as such has a frustrating time enjoying said outdoors. She's been known to go into a sneezing fit whenever she smells a particular flower she's allergic to.

Name: Dave Notten
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair color: Black with blue streaks (he dyes his hair)
Eye color: Blue
Usual attire: black t-shirt and jeans
Relatives: Mother (41), Father (42)
Bio: Laura's doting boyfriend. You wouldn't tell from his somewhat untidy looks, but he's actually very passionate about being organized and keeping everything in check. As such, he often clashes with his girlfriend's more spirited, carefree nature, but the two love each very much. He is fully aware of Laura's allergies and tries his best to make sure they're never around such flowers when dating.

Name: Jonathon Dowe
Age : 30
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 pounds
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Usual attire: Blue police shirt, blue jeans
Relatives: Wife (29)
Bio: One of the many police officers of Laura's hometown, Jonathon discovers the rainbow flower after Laura grows to giantess proportions and runs away, leaving the flower behind. He takes the flower home to his wife as a present for their fifth wedding anniversary. Commonly a man of good morals, he feels guilty about taking the flower but was surprised still that it survived the crumbling of an entire house! He then tells himself that he will take it home, both as a present to his wife and to further interrogate it.

Name: Alicia Bertingston
Age: 15
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair color: Light brown
Eye color: Blue
Usual attire: Light colored dresses that go down to her knee
Relatives: Father (37), Mother (37)
Bio: A girly girl if there ever was one, Alicia was raised since birth to be a proper lady and is usually extremely polite. She sometimes, however, finds herself embracing her childish, more tomboyish side, such as her love for racing, and even has a guy friend who likes her tomboyish side. She owns a white-and-black beagle named Oscar, who just turned three last month. Her family is fairy rich (her parents make $400,000 between them a year), but despite their wealth they live no differently than anyone else. Once a week her family gets together and do family activities, such as going to the movies or even skydiving. Her family is also into flowers, with a beautiful, award-winning flower garden in their own backyard. In fact, this is what prompts Alicia to take the rainbow flower in the first place: she wanted to give it to her parents to add to the garden.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1430171-Lauras-Uneven-Proportions