You decide on going as an Evil-Looking Gothic Vampire woman. You go to your girlfriend and ask for her help with this. She's surprised by your idea for your costume.
"Are you sure that you want to go as that?" She asks.
"I'm sure Kyra," you say to her.
She shrugs."Okay. Do you want some help getting ready for the party later?"
You thought on this for a bit. "Sure. That would be nice." You told her.
"Okay!" Kyra cheerfully says. "I have an idea for my costume as well. There's some things we'll need to get for your costume."
Some time later, after shopping for some stuff for both your costume and your girlfriend's costume, you're at your house. Kyra hadn't told you what her costume was yet, and she had just finished helping you with yours. She had you keep your eyes closed the entire time sense she wanted to surprise you with how you looked with the costume finished.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now." you girlfriend said.
You did and gasped. Kyra had gone all out with your costume. You were wearing black, silk stockings on your arms and legs; breast forms on your chest for the illusion of breasts; a black silk bra and black silk panties; and a long, black, silk gown. The gown went all the way to the floor, and it had long sleeves that stopped at your wrist. The middle of it hugged you waste. Your face was covered with makeup to make your skin look like a milky white, you lips had dark; blood-red lipstick on them, you had fake fangs on your teeth that made them look pure white, and your eyes, which were a dark grey color, had black eyeshadow around them. Finally, you were wearing a wig that made it look like you had thick, long, dark red hair that rested on your shoulders.
"Oh my..." You whisper. You were stunned with how you looked. You looked like a gorgeous woman, who happened to be a vampire.
"Do you like it?" Kyra asked, nervous.
You were still speechless, so you nodded. This made her smile.
"Great, I'll go put on my costume." She said with a grin. "In the meantime, your twin sister said that she wanted to help you with the heels."
"Wait, heels?" You ask.
"Of course." Your girlfriend says. "They'll help finish the look." With that said, she left the room.
Then, your twin sister Megan, walked in. She was dressed in an angel costume. "Wow. Kyra went to town on you." She said, admiring the result of your costume. "She did a fantastic job."
"Yeah, she definitely did." you agreed.
"Okay, lets get started." Megan said.
You were still practicing walking in heels when Kyra walked in. She was also dressed as a vampire, but she was wearing a simple black, sleeveless, dress. (Also made of silk. Kyra had an obsession with silk.)
"Okay," she said to you and your sister. "Lets go."
With some help, you managed to get downstairs and got outside. The three of you started your trip to Kathrine's house to join the party.