"YAY after we do Ain't no mountain and Baby love YOU are going to make us some real fun!" the girls all say.
"Fun?" you asked, nervous. "What do you mean?"
Sarah giggled. "You'll see." she said. "First, the song and dance show!"
You cringed as you reluctantly put on the costume, which barely fit you, then walked into the living room to all the girls' laughter as a tanned girl named Jessica starts the dance video. With a sigh, you danced and sang as well as you could in high heels as your sister and her friends laughed. Once the two numbers were over, Sarah took your hand. "You are almost home free... big sister." she giggled. "Just play one more game with us and then you can go."
"Fine." you said, wanting to end this humiliation.
Sarah led you to the middle of the room and had you sit down. You did so and a short girl with glasses, named Hannah, pulled off your high heels while Jessica and a tall girl named Emma pulled off your mom's dress, before removing the stuffed bra underneath. Before you knew it, you were sitting in front of the girls in nothing more than your white boxers, blushing brightly as they laughed at you. "What's this game you want me to play?" you asked.
Sarah smiled at you mischievously. "We're giving you a full..."
then the other girls chimed in as they all screamed, "Makeover!"
"Lovely!" you said, sarcastically.
"Don't worry, its all new stuff we got at the mall." said Emma, lightly. "We were going to trick my little brother into coming along but he didn't bite so, you're it tonight."
With that, the girls got to work putting makeup on your face, despite your protests. "Hey, this stuff tingles." you said.
"Your imagining it." said Sarah, lightly. "I use this product all the time, it washes off so relax."
Only, as they continued to apply makeup to your face, they noticed its features were becoming more soft, almost feminine in nature. Jessica blinked, wondering if you were not imagining things after all but shrugging it off.
"I got his nails." said Milly, Sarah's best friend and fellow doll fanatic. "I think candy pink will suit 'her'."
As she applied a coat of candy pink you your short nails, she noticed them grow slightly longer. "When did you last trim these nails?" she asked, thinking she had imagined them grow.
"What do you mean?" you asked, confused. "I always keep them trimmed."
Milly and Sarah threw each other a concerned look as Hannah then ran into the living room with a short red dress from Sarah's closet. It looked as it would only fit a six year old. "Hey, let's see if we can squeeze this over 'Barbie's' head!" she said, teasing.
Of course, Hannah did not think the dress would fit but she wanted to see your reaction. Only, as the fabric touched your face, you found yourself tingling all over as the red fabric fell over you more until you could feel your arms going through the sleeves of the dress! As this was happening, Sarah and her friends gaped in disbelief as you shrank, regressed to fit the dress! Not only that but you seemed to have changed into a girl as they heard your scream before you spoke.
"What the- What did you do to me!?!" you screamed.
Sarah looked at the box the cosmetic kit came in and saw a notice that read: 'Warning! For girls only!'
Milly, just as shocked, looked at the nail polish bottle, it had the same notice. Hannah, then pulled the back of the dress you were now wearing and saw the same notice on the tag. "All of the stuff we used on him said, 'for girls only'?" she asked, shaken. "I thought it was a joke, as no boy would use or wear this stuff."
"It looks like we have a bit of a mystery on our hands." said Sarah. she turned to you. "Sorry, um... Barbie." she giggled. "Since you are a real girl now, you might as well join the slumber party. We can't do anything to help you tonight."
You sighed, wanting to cry as you had just been reduced to a six year old girl at your now older sister's slumber party. Sarah, seeing your frustration, placed a light hand onto your shoulder. "I have an old nightie that will fit you." she said. "Also, I don't think those boxers fit you anymore, we'll have to find you some panties."
The girls all giggled, though they did seem sympathetic to your situation.