Since it was so late at night, Kagami thought to take the opportunity to try getting some divine help with her dieting problems. Rushing to her family's shrine, Kagami was planning on praying for better willpower around sweets. Grabbing an ema, Kagami began jotting down desire for a slimmer body. When she finished writing her inscription on the ema though, Kagami witnessed something that could only be described as supernatural.
Hanging up her ema, Kagami smiled, and was about to go back inside to turn in for the night. However, she then suddenly heard a scratching sound coming from her ema. Turning back around, Kagami saw that her ema was being rewritten right before her very eyes! Kanji were somehow magically being erased and replaced with new ones. What was once a prayer for help with her dieting now stared back at her reading, 'Is that really a good thing?'
Utterly speechless, Kagami was frozen in place out of pure shock from what she was seeing. Her eyes weren't the only part of her on the receiving end of this though, as Kagami also soon heard a mysterious womanly voice call out to her, "Young maiden, do you honestly believe that the way they portray obesity is true? That it is ugly? Horrendous? That it should be shunned? Surely you know deep down that isn't the case, hence why you constantly gorge yourself; you desire obesity!"
Kagami was still too deep in shock to rebut the voice's claims. If anything, this sent her even deeper into shock. Was this woman really saying that Kagami actually wanted to be fat?! Eventually finding her tongue, Kagami finally spoke up, "What the heck are you talking about?! Why would I try dieting for weeks if I wanted to be fat?! That doesn't make any sense! Who are you anyways?!"
Despite Kagami's sound logic, the woman simply laughed. Noticing she had succeeded at flustering Kagami, she continued to push her, "Your body is constantly fighting back against this arbitrary diet that is being forced onto you by society; it's trying to break free of the boundaries of your mortal shell! You're destined to become far larger than anyone has ever been able to even comprehend!"
Obviously, Kagami was still totally confused by what she was being told. Because of this, the woman decided it was finally time to tell Kagami the truth, "Young maiden, the reason I do not appear before you is because I am far too large. I have already outgrown the universe you inhabit, and it is because of that which why I am contacting you through telepathy... From birth, you were the one I designated as my successor as the Goddess of Fat."
It was time for Kagami to end this. There was no way anything of what she was hearing was real. A Goddess of Fat? That had to be the most ridiculous, and maybe even the most disrespectful thing she had ever heard. There was only one person Kagami knew who would try and pull a prank on her like this, and she wasn't going to just let it slide. Kagami suddenly began looking around in all directions, attempting to locate the source of the voice, "Alright Konata, I've had enough of this! Just quit it already!"
This outburst only made the apparent goddess chuckle even more, "Konata? Funny you should bring her up... She's actually deeply involved in this as well... For you see, there are two types of obese: Blob and Slob. As someone who takes great care in maintaining perfect appearance, you, young maiden, always keep yourself clean of stains from food, sweat, or otherwise, befitting of the blob archetype. Your otaku friend on the other hand... She's lazy, never cleans up, and cares not about those same stains, befitting of the slob archetype. It is best to show the world both sides of the same coin, if we are to convince them of the true beauty of obesity! Your friend has already taken what I said to heart, since I have talked to her first..."
Suddenly, an image flashed in Kagami's mind, depicting Konata's room, only even grosser than she remembers it being. What catches Kagami off-guard the most though, is Konata herself. Despite having seen her just a few hours ago, Konata had packed on an astonishing amount of weight! She had to be at least one hundred kilos at this point! When Kagami was taken out of the vision, it had finally clicked with her that there was no way this could be some mere prank. Was this a real goddess...?