The terrified men who had just missed being crushed fell flat on their backs. One man managed to stay up, somehow. Lilian eyed him acrefully, then she knew how to kick off the day. She reached towards the miniscule man with grabby fingers and whisked him up to "the tower" as she liked to call it. The tallest building in the rampage room, which no shrinkee could reach on theirown, served as the place where victims awaited their judment from the five goddesses, Lisa, Lilian, and JUlie to name a few. Also, the girls frequently invited people over and set them loose in the rampage room, forcing the denizens to always stay moving and search for escape. Lilian laughed at the thought. She'd made sure there as no possible way to escape her flat, but she'd let them try, just for the fun of it. Taking a massive stride over to the tower and set him down atop it. To spruce things up, she decided to hit the tower lightly to freak the poor man out, even though she'd wouldn't let him fall... at least not yet. He'd be too much fun to lose that way. Joy.
"What's your name, bug?" Lilian asked in mock sweetness.
"Uh... my name is Chris. Why... what is this place? Why are you doing this to us?"
"That's a very good question little Chris, and I'll answer best I can. You live in this city, and we play the role of the giant monster. Though there is an added twist: we're not ugly. We're goddeses. In fact, I'm most likely the most beautiful thing you've ever laid eyes on, am I right?" Lilian watched him intently.
"Well, of course. Of course... my goddess." Smart boy, Lilian thought.
"It's been a pleasure talking to you Chris, but I'm afraid I'm getting a bit bored.
"What do you mean?"
Lilian abruptly flicked the man off of the tower, where he fell for about 20 seconds and smashed to the ground. The enormous woman giggled and clapped, hopping up and down. The citzens of the city were thrown to the floor and into walls from the earthquake, which was Lilian's favorite part. She then scooped up the other men who'd been with Chris, still standing there watching her. There were four of them, and Lilian decided to eb creative. She snapped one up right off the bat, and pulled apart another, dropping his severed torso like trash. The third she crushed beneath her barefoot, grinding and all. The last she has something special for, her newest torture. Without a word, Lilian the goddess daintily grabbed the last man, and placed him in her cleavage. Placing one hand on each boob, she smashed him to a bloody pulp ebtween them. The shrinkees watched this in total fear.