It was somewhat a quiet day for Alexander, which today is the the first day of the summer break. The 14 year old had just finished middle school, and just basically looking forward to what life would bring to the next stage in education. He's a slim teen, playing football which he likes to go fast when catching the ball, which made him tye beat player out of all them, and he would it no different when high school comes around.
But right now though, Alex can be seen sitting in his bedroom, playing video games to have his own moment for the time being. He just finished the game when he heard a knock on the door, which he knows it was his 8 year old brother, Ethan wanting to come and see him.
"Big brother? I got something to show you. Can I come in?" Ethan asked from the lobby outside, which the door was slightly open, just to get the air to it.
"Sure, I wanna see what you got, lil bro!" Of course Alex being so caring to Ethan so much, he wouldn't mind having his brother spend some time with him, and his smile expression tells a story.
And with that permission being granted, Ethan gets in the bedroom and stood in front of his brother, where Alex is sitting on his computer chair. The curious teen set the controller on his desk, and then see's the kid taking something out of his pocket and puts on a ring to show this to him. Of course that made Alex surprised and responded by the the gold ring in Ethan's finger.
"Oh that looks so cool, Ethan! Where did you get that?" Alex wondered curiously.
"Oh, my friend's Dad gave me this ring, and he tells me it makes any wish whatever I want." Ethan responded with a confident smile, which he didn't mind sharing this to his big brother in all.
"So you've just got a ring that makes wishes?" That made Alexander looking confused about this, which is something he wouldn't want to believe and thinks Ethan is making it up again. But at the same time, he was getting curious to hear about it, and wanted to ask his younger brother further about this ring. "I mean, do you have a wish that you can try and come up with, Ethan?"
That's something Ethan has to think about is what kind of wishes would he want to impress Alex in some way, since he never tried it out yet. He just received a ring about 20 minutes ago, and that gave an 8 year old more nervous that he fears of failing in such. He'll be hoping this should work like his friend's Dad says, but he had something in mind which he would stare at the ring for the moment before lift his head up, facing his brother with a nervous question.
"Well... I think I do, but can I make a wish about...