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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1562613
This is the history of a teen who had an car (truck) accident and had to get a new body

This is the history of a teen who had an car (truck) accident and had to get a new body

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Hi, this is my first official story (the original first one got abandoned), anyways, is about a guy [Mark] who got hitted by a truck and lost almost everything from his body, so they had to put it in a new one, the context will be explained in the first chapter, whatever, here characters:

Mark [Will be explained at 1st chapter]
Age: 14
City: [For History's sake, this will be in the Future (even thought not too far away, like 10 or 12 years, so things haven't changed a lot)]
Detroit, USA (That now is like an Mixture of Spain, Italy and Argentina]
Actitude: Is Smart but not nerd, he looks a bit emo, but he doesn't cut/wear black robes, he used to be rich but now is mid-class

William: Mark's dad, he used to be poor, but he got smart enough to get a job and became mid-class (Work as Bussinessman)
Age: 33
City: Originary from PerĂș (South America)
Actitude: Parental, mixed with a bit of crazyness, is like the Mark's encyclopedia, and is one of the little group of people who think of Mark as a normal being

Roxanne: The Nurse that is staying with Mark until he wakes up, she will take an important role later in history
Age: 28
City: Originary from Australia, she is at USA because his grandfather is from there, but died, and she promissed him that will work as a nurse for at least 5 years
Actitude: Friendly, but she cant handle with angryness well

Sarah: Alternate Character, that later will take place at history, she is just a normal girl that assist to school, gets normal grades, is mid-class, etc, etc, etc
Age: 15
City: Florida, but now live at Detroit because her Aunt lives there, and her mom died
Actitude: Unfriendly unless she says otherwise (she can be friendly to some people)

*For History's sake (again) we wont talk a lot about his mom right now


Try to don't get away from the history
At least 3 lines long (Unless you have a good reason)
I hope most people have good grammar here, because, even though is optional, it makes the story a lot easier to understand
Sex /Unless it comes with true love)
Vore / Gore / Lores (if you know what i mean)


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1562613-New-World