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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1564499-Cheating-Death/cid/1021867-A-Darker-Future
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #1564499
You were born unable to die, but at the cost of your size.
This choice: You're an adult with an evil wife, evil kids, & no one treats you kindly anymore  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

A Darker Future

    by: Lelouch
The roar from the heavens woke you as it always did, Goddess Sarah was awakening. The faint grumbles of her drowsy self were the morning sounds commanding you to awaken; you did so, like you did every day. A bit drowsy yourself, you continued to lay against your fuzzy bed, eyes locked onto the massive bed above which the Goddess you were married to rested on. The blankets as long as mountains rolled around to make way for her feet to dangle from the side, both bare soles loomed mere inches away from you. Her toes seemed to dance along the ground, searching for her morning slippers; or, as you called it, your bed. The black-painted toe managed to find the arch looming above; the Goddess began to slide her slipper on. You tensed at the familiar sight of her sole closing in, eventually just engulfing you in its massive size. There was only a faint trace of light remaining, coming from the land between your wife’s toes. You used it to look again at the sole of the woman you loved so much, the sticky body oils built up over the night quickly adhered you to its surface. You quickly gave a kiss to the lovely foot as Goddess Sarah yawned, her divine voice ringing into your ears. She rose to her feet and began to walk.

It wasn’t a new feeling, the feeling of being walked on. You couldn’t remember when it started, but for the last few years it had been a daily occurrence. Unless Goddess Sarah stomped her foot you wouldn’t die, or at least, get smaller. That was how you got to be half an inch tall, instead of death you shrank. Eventually reaching this point, where you were so small Sarah’s divine foot couldn’t even crush you without her wanting to do so. Sure with each step a few bones cracked, maybe a wince of pain here or there, but it was for your Goddess so you took it amidst your silent worship of her foot. Your lips and tongue danced along her sole with the skill you once used in the Goddess’ actual mouth, back when you were actually considered a person. But that was a long time ago, now your only purpose was to please your Goddesses. Goddess Sarah, the one you married and swore eternal loyalty too, (Sub) Goddess Gwen, the Goddess you yourself helped to create and nurture, and (Sub) Goddess Rebecca, the youngest and most innocent of the Goddesses. Most would use the term family to describe them, but they were your Goddesses.

Beyond the realm of Sarah’s foot you could hear the clicking sound of the door; she must have arrived in the bathroom. Sure enough, her slipper soon came off with you still stuck to her foot. The sole pushed you against the tiled floor as her clothes came off; Goddess Sarah even hummed a tune as she was soon bare. You managed to catch a glimpse of her clothes as she kicked them out of the way, turning her attention to the bathtub. Each foot entered the tub, still moist from the last time it was used, and the Goddess turned the water on. You could hear the faint sounds of the rushing waves of water working their way through the pipes, soon coming out in a rain to clean Goddess Sarah’s form. It also doubled as your cleaning, as the water flowed back down the drain it danced along her soles, washing you along with her. She began to sing a little bit again to pass the time, you could hear her wet hair making sounds with each little movement of her head. It was a heavenly tune you couldn’t recall, you just recognized it from Goddess Sarah singing it so often. A bit of a smile crossed your lips with each syllable; you restarted your worship of the Goddess in harmony with the tune.

Not long after, the texture of the water changed, becoming more bubbly and sudsy; she must have begun to shampoo. That meant it was time for your job. Turning your head to the soapy water sliding along past you, you swallowed an entire mouthful. It tasted a big disgusting but over time you adjusted. With the mouthful of water you began to clean Goddess Sarah’s foot, the product may have been intended for hair but she found it also had a nice effect on her skin. It was your job to apply it to her soles each morning. It was a grueling task, there was always the threat of the water coming in a huge wave and drowning you, occasionally you chocked on the soap-filled water, but it was all for the beautiful Goddess Sarah. Not much later the shampooing was done, whatever you didn’t personally apply was already decorated amidst her sole by the water. Goddess Sarah showered for a little bit longer to remove any faint suds, but she soon turned off the water and stepped outside.

Next came the part you always hated, you tensed as the huge fibers of a towel rubbed all along Goddess Sarah’s foot. It was meant to dry her off but you always hated how itchy it felt. Thankfully it didn’t last long and Sarah moved to other parts of her body. Not long after you heard the hurricane that was her hair-dryer, that was your cue to begin some more worshipping. You didn’t have to, but you loved to make your Goddess of a Wife happy. Her sole was fresh with the taste of her strawberry shampoo, not the most gratifying taste but for her you’d do anything. It seemed all too soon before Goddess Sarah was stepping outside of the bathroom, she slipped her slippers back on and headed back into her room.

A couple rusty squeaks told you she sat on the bed, there her foot came out of the slipper again and rested on her knee. You quickly saw her fingernails reach for you, plucking you from her sole and holding your frame before her face. She didn’t even look at you, she didn’t need to. “Morning Lu,” She sounded disinterested, but that didn’t bother you. It was astounding for Goddess Sarah to address you so early, she must've been feeling kind this morning.

You’d known Goddess Sarah for over 20 years now, but still the sight of her drew you breathless. So beautiful, such a prize among others, a Goddess among Goddesses. There was a time when you didn’t feel this way, a time where your life was more important than her satisfaction. But Goddess Sarah never gave up; she soon taught you what was truly important in life. It seemed like slavery or imprisonment at the time, you hated it. When she attended college you were her personal relief, when you wanted to break up she refused. With each downsizing the relationship seemed to grow worse and worse. Eventually you came to realize what was truly important, and what your role in life was. You did miss the old days though, the days where a kiss didn’t have any consequences or requirements, the days where you and Sarah were equals. But with each death you’d encountered the situation changed, now you were just a bug designed to please her. It wasn’t what you would’ve wanted, but you believed you were happy.

You managed to squeak a reply after your bit of awe, “M-Morning Sarah.”

She turned to you with a bit of a serious look, “Luke, what did I tell you.” Her eye, big enough to outsize you, glared at you coldly.

“S-Sorry, “Good Morning Goddess Sarah.””

She smiled, “Much better.” You let of a relieved sigh; she was in a good mood. Any other time you would’ve paid for that mistake. Silently Goddess Sarah placed you at the foot of the bed, wearing a look that told you to stay put. Rather than disobey the Goddess you did exactly as commanded.

The giantess rose to her feet and walked to the other side of the room, rifling in her closet for an outfit to wear. She was currently only in a pair of purple bra and panties, seeing her so…bare really tempted you to try something. But at your size she was an untouchable Goddess miles away, all you could do was watch as Goddess Sarah put on her outfit for the day, a black skirt with a blue tank-top, looking as beautiful as ever in all her glory.

She approached you again, sitting down on the bed beside you, “I love you dear,”

“I love you too Goddess Sarah.” You replied almost automatically.

Yeah this was how your mornings always started, what came next though…

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