As you kiss her feet you begin to notice how oppresive the collar she had put on you is. You try loosening it, but in trying to do so you noticed something. The collar was locked! There was a lock where the strap was tightend around your neck.You were locked in. "Oh so you've noticed that now," said Melinda looking down on you with an evil smirk, "well don't worry. It may be tight, but you'll get used to it. Or at least you'd better get used to it, because from now on that collar is the only thing you're going to ever need."
You had absolutley no idea what she was ranting about, but suddenly you got a strange feeling inside of you. You felt completley urged to start taking off your clothing. First came off your shirt, then your shoes, next your socks, and finally your pants, until you were left with nothing but your boxers on as you knetl at Melinda's feet. All the while you were taking your clothes off you were thinking to yourself, 'wait, what's going on? Why am I doing this?' But whether you wanted to or not, there you were in your boxers, on your hands and knees at Melinda's feet.
"Now then," she smirked, "isn't that more comfortable for you. Well, since you're done there and I seem to have you captivated I want you to repeat after me: I, Ben..."
"I Ben," you repeated back, once again without any thought to do so.
"...Promise to serve Melinda...."
"Promise to serve Melinda," you repeated, your mind screaming to stop. Why couldn't you stop?
"As my mistress and goddess, for as long as she may wish." As the words 'as long as she may wish' were on your tongue every fiber in your being was telling you to get up and leave, but you couldn't. You were fixed there, on your knees before her. "Very good," she said, "now that you've made your pledge to serve me, you may seal the deal by kissing my feet." the last thing you wanted to do was that, but once again you found yourself without your conscieousness, bending over again to kiss her feet. As you kissed her toes she laughed at you again and said, "oh Ben, you don't know the half of the situation you're in..."