As he watched Tanya's bonds drops to the sandy earth, Oric was sort of skeptical like he had imagined. Setting this "beast" free hadn't been a tough decision based on his prior experience with those that his tribesmen hunted. Now he had even been met with gratitude, and the giantess was actually smiling now. Rolling over slightly and brushing off of the sand accumulated by her immobility on the ground, he was forced to step back. The tremors alone that were caused by this should have knocked him over, but he had braced for it when he first noticed her moving. Still, none of this he deemed as malevolent.
Setting his doubts aside, Oric observed as the titanic girl moved to a crouch position, stared at him for a few seconds, and the reached out. Without any words of permittance, Tanya snagged him in her powerful grip. Although alarmed and above all startled, he didn't struggle.
"Uh... I probably should have asked before doing that, huh? So... you're, like, really a person, huh?" she asked, dumbfounded.
"Yes," he responded, feeling like an exhibit in a zoo with her probing gaze falling over him. "Much like yourself."
"Wow, this is pretty insane. I thought I was all alone on this island, after I woke up..." Tanya said, suddenly stopping. "But whatever, enough about me. Where do you come from? Why are you so different from the others?" The questions were what Oric had expected, and he was prepared to answer.
"I was born here, just like everyone else I've ever met before, well, you," he said, clearing his throat. Tanya nodded her head, listening.
"As for why I'm "different", I'm really not. the others were reasonably not sure what to do with you, because for all they knew you had in mind to destroy us like some of the others monsters that roam this island. Even more so, however, because of your size." To his surprised, the giantess' face was controrted with anger.
"Those insects! They shouldn't judge a person by how they look, or even how big they are. Well... I'll show them how big I am, Oric. They'll see me fine!" Tanya muttered angrily to him, clutching close to her chest as she took a step forward onto the sand, frustration etched in her gait.