Okay, humanoids inclued, for this story, giants, werecreatures, like werewolves, the undead, like zombies and vampires, anthro-like creatures, and so forth.
*Please note* Werecreatures and Anthrocreatures are two different groups of beings. Werecreatures can turn into a human form, anthrocreatures can't. However, I will allow hybrids to exist, however they don't have a human form, so if daddy was a werewolf and mommy was an anthro wolf, unless the two had totally different fur colors, the person won't change much in either form, unlike if is mother was a fox anthro, then they can change from wolf to fox. Okay, oh, and make sure to copy and paste race options between male and female genders, and perhaps do the same with thos who are hermapherdites, thank you.
*Note about New Recruits, they must have been through a dream spell, in which all of the officers they saw were of the race that they hate/fear the most, and the only way they get out of it is if the "Drill Sargeant" "Killed" them. Also, They MUST have a guiding officer of that race that they hate/fear. This officer, who must be the equivilent of a corpral, (Check Wikapedia's entry about Military Ranks to get an idea if you are unfamiliar about military ranks), is something like a role-modle/personal instructor. Basically, when the recruit isn't doing drills with the other recruits, he/she is taking lessons from the guiding officer.*