After she eats, well, more absolutely demolishes, the feast lain before her, Olivia waddles to her bedroom, and cries herself to sleep yet again. She then wakes up the next morning, draped in clothes that look more like sheets, slides out of her fatty clothes, then walks over to her full body mirror to get another look at her skinny self, however, she notices a little bit of pudge on her once lithe, thin body. Olivia begins freaking out, calling her servants to her room, they look upon her naked, slightly chubby form and begin to murmur amongst each other, Olivia has enough of this and says, “ALRIGHT, THAT’S IT, STOP TALKING ABOUT ME AND FIX IT!”
A young maid steps forward and asks, “Um, madame, what exactly would you like us to do about it.”
Olivia looks at her with fiery eyes and shouts, “ANYTHING, JUST FIX THIS, please.” The spoiled girl breaks down into tears, as she slumps onto the floor, pinching her newfound flab. With this new development, Olivia decides to...