Giant ant was approaching, and it seemed that more of it's "colleagues" joined the hunt for the poor girl.
But before falling into despair (and bugs' jaws as well), Maureen spotted new text on the display.
"WARNING! Human size below safe levels - affected object may not be able to defend themself from various obstacles it may encounter. If you wish to apply 'Extreme self-defence program', please press blinking button."
The girl didn't even think about being offended by being called "object" or how this might possibly worsen situation - this was the only spark of hope she had.
She ran to the button and tried to push it by all means, but it wouldn't budge - for her it was the size of a large bed. In desperation, she climbed on it and started to continuously jump and stomp, and finally it moved.
First thing that happened was blinding flash and shockwave, emmited by tiny girl's body. This event stunned incoming predators and saved some time for the most important part of an "emergency plan".
When light faded, time seemed to slow down for Maureen. She noticed ants lying around, but coming to their senses and slowly retrying their offence. But this didn't matter as she felt something... else. Power. Life. She felt energized like never before, like she was invincible - and that's when changes started.
First thing was her view going higher. She thought, that she's going to return to her original size now, but after growing by merely half her current height, process stopped. As she quickly looked at her body, she noticed that it wasn't just some "sizing up" - all her limbs elongated, and her feet and hands grew slightly in size. "What the..." she mumbled, before sensation changed.
Now it felt like she was burning all over her body, but it felt so damn good. She couldn't say a word, she just moaned loudly. Everything started from the bottom - her calves swelled and swelled, until both were size of watermelons (of course watermelons for ants, in scale with tiny blonde). Her thighs grew, changing from fitness-sized, through bodybuilder-sized to boulder-sized. Her muscles there were so hard, she could smash bricks on them. Her buttocks also got similar hardness.
Her torso widened, packing titan muscles on them. Her boobs almost disappeared, stretched on the indestructible slabs of peck muscle. For a milisecond Maureen got sad by losing her shapely bust, but feeling of power made her forget about this one disadvantage. Under that, her belly got covered by an ABS impossible to even bend by any existing power.
She touched her inhuman-sized parts with her normal-sized hands, what was very pleasurable, but finally her arms also got upgraded. She roared when she hit the double bicep pose. Staying in this pose and flexing her arm muscles gave her after short transformation the best feeling she could have ever imagined - feeling of her own godlike bicep under palm of the very same flexing hand.
Maureen couldn't believe what have just happened. "I'm stronger! And bigger! But how...", but she couldn't dream anymore, because first of her enemies approached her - the not-so-big and (although it was still few times bigger than the girl). Blonde no longer afraid smiled "It's time to check how useful those guns really are". And she punched incoming bug. The blow was so strong, it liquefied head of the creature in the place.
"Wow... this is unbelievable, no bodybuilder could have done this for a thing so big. I have to check if I'm really dreaming or not" and she charged the rest of ants.
Few moments later all enemies have been eradicated in similar way to the first one, and Maureen just stood in between checking herself out. Her body was covered in sweat from the transformation, which quickly turned into steam on her hot skin.
"Let's take this extreme to the extreme levels!" she said to herself and jumped. Her jump took her from one corner of the room to the another, while flying over the table and few chairs. After landing (which left small hole in the landing zone; Maureen wondered how much she weighed now), she noticed that jumping at full strenght could launch her into the ceiling (which seemed like it was hundreds of feet away). She approached one of the chairs and grabbed the leg. She then effortlessly pulled the enormous object from the ground. "Whoa, this power has no limits! This is my dream come true! If only I wasn't this tiny..."
What happens next?