Pink Diamond sighed in exacerbation as she sat on her throne and stared over the city, her city. Pink Alpha One was the capital of the smallest Diamond’s first colony. This was her world to do with as she saw fit, and prove that she was worthy to stand alongside her fellow Diamonds. However, Pink had never been quite like the others. They called her erratic and overly emotional, and with good reason. To say that she’d made some severe mistakes would be an understatement, especially with her first Pearl. Maybe that’s why, upon discovering that her world had intelligent life, she was so insistent on saving it. Earth was such a beautiful place, and the natives were an endless source of fascination. So she wanted to keep it.
So, after years of heated debate, and maybe a few embarrassing tantrums, Pink wore down the others, and convinced them that Earth should be different. Resource harvesting was kept to a minimum to avoid damaging the environment, emphasizing on preserving lands humans preferred for habitation. The process was less than perfect. However, as a result of Pink’s actions, Earth had over three billion humans in addition to the ten billion gems. She was very proud of that. Although, as hard as she tried, getting equal treatment for humans still proved elusive.
Pink had long ago stamped out the worst abuses. However, humans were still regarded as the lowest tier in the gem hierarchy. Often, humans were treated as servants, or even pets. The smartest were trained to perform duties usually assigned to Pearls. The most physically adept were given weapons and trained as guards. Although, they were regarded more as ornamentation than actual defense. Humans were organic, and such short lifespans meant they had to be replaced every half-century or so. Humans were also high-maintenance compared to gems, requiring rest and nourishment to sustain themselves. These and other factors made it hard to argue for better treatment. However, Pink was a stubborn one, and continues to fight for change to this day.
“My Diamond,” Pearl respectfully announced as she entered the throne room, her hands contorted in the traditional salute. “How are you doing today?”
Pink sighed and slumped in her throne. “Same as yesterday, I guess. Please tell me there’s something on the schedule. I’d literally take anything, right now.”
Pearl shook her head. “I’m afraid not, my—”
“Pearl,” Pink warned. “We talked about this.”
Pearl softly giggled and nodded. “Pink. I’m afraid not, Pink. Everything is moving as it should, and the colony is stable.” However, it was evident that this wasn’t what Pink wanted to hear. Pearl couldn’t stand to see her Diamond so discontent, and felt compelled to rectify the problem. “You know, since it’ll be a while before your next appointment, we have time to go for a walk.”
Pink straightened up. “A walk?”
“Yes, just like we used to, Rose,” Pearl cheekily reminded.
Of course, Pearl referred to the old days when Pink disguised herself as a soldier to see life in the colony. That’s how she first learned about humans and the destruction of their home. Pink had even tried to insight a rebellion as her alter ego. However, after encountering a new type of fusion named Garnet, Pink rethought her strategy. Garnet saw things that regular Sapphires usually dismissed. She saw that the rebellion would save the Earth, but lead to massive suffering on all sides. Instead, Pink decided to appeal to the other Diamonds’ reason, and commissioned Peridots to report all the ways the planet could be used without extensive terraforming. The plan worked, and Garnet remained one of Pink’s most trusted advisors.
“Hmm, ya know what? Sure.” With that, Pink’s body glowed, becoming amorphous as it shrank down into her Rose Quartz disguise. “Let’s go for a walk.”
Pearl beamed at seeing Pink’s relaxed smile. Nothing pleased her more than seeing her favorite person happy. However, she knew that while a walk would help relieve some stress, it would only be for so long. She needed a more long-term solution.
“Did someone call me?” Garnet asked. The red gem with an afro almost as wide as her voluptuous figure swaggered into the throne room, looking as stoic as ever.
“Garnet, good to see you!” Pink, or rather, Rose said as she ran up and embraced her old friend. “How long has it been?”
“Seventy-seven hours,” Pearl replied. “Also, I don’t believe anyone called you.”
“No, but I had a feeling I was needed, so I decided to pop in. So, what’s happening?”
Rose slumped. “I’m booored! I always thought having my own colony would be fun, but I almost prefer when things go wrong. At least then, I have something to do.”
“Have you tried fornication?” Garnet offered, ignoring Pearl’s blush.
The human reproductive process was immensely fascinating to gems, and was one of the biggest arguments for their preservation. Gems learned a lot from watching the animals mate, and it was just as enjoyable when they got involved. In a way, Earth had become the empire’s first tourist destination, with gems all over the galaxy coming to see what was so great about sex. Of course, anyone could perform the act anywhere, but for whatever reason, most gems preferred to do so on Earth with humans.
“Yes, but even that’s getting old,” Rose complained. “I’ve done just about everything with every type of gem and human, but the thrill always passes.”
Garnet thoughtfully nodded. “It sounds like what you need is a project. Something you can build and watch grow for a few decades until the empire’s next big move.”
Pearl happily gasped. “Garnet, that’s a fantastic idea!”
“Hmm, I had a feeling you’d say that,” the red gem replied as she adjusted her visor. “And before you ask, yes, I already have one in mind.” Garnet snapped her fingers, and the main door opened. In walked her personal guard, an Amethyst who’d spent too long in the ground and emerged too short. Off-colors like her had found a haven on Earth, where the abnormal was more readily accepted. However, this gem was carrying something wrapped in a sheet.
“What is that?” Rose asked in building anticipation as she heard the bundle make cooing noises.
Garnet grinned. “You’ve taken on humans as lovers and playthings, but I don’t think you’ve ever tried a proper adoption. You care a lot about humans, and you encourage gems to bond with them, but you’ve never really taken that step on your own. So, I thought you might like to try what the humans call motherhood, and raise this one to maturity.” She held out her hand for Amethyst to unfurl the blanket, revealing a child with curly hair and chubby cheeks.
Rose squealed and giddily ran over, kneeling beside the Amethyst as she fawned over the child. “It’s so cute!” She reached out, only to gasp when the baby grabbed her hand. “I love it,” she deadpanned, experiencing the gem equivalent of a racing pulse.
“Raise?” Pearl skeptically questioned as she appraised the human. “It seems a little young. Has it been trained?”
“Nope,” Garnet replied, almost proudly. “He can’t even walk yet. His mother died in childbirth, and his father is a breeding stud who wasn’t interested in looking after him. He’s a total blank slate, ready to be molded to your liking.”
Almost shaking with excitement, Rose calmed enough to open her arms in a wordless request. Amethyst complied and gave her the baby. He felt so light in her arms, and his smile made her insides flutter. Her imagination ran wild with possibilities for all this human could become, and he would be hers.
Pearl swallowed all further objections at seeing her beloved’s face. While she was still hesitant, she couldn’t argue the idea’s merits. Young humans needed constant supervision, which Pearl imagined would primarily fall on her. However, Pink would still be there at every step, guiding the human’s development. No doubt, Pink wouldn’t settle for a standard upbringing. But, as with everything else Pink did, this child would be raised into something extraordinary.
“So, uh, what’s his name?” Amethyst finally asked after sensing a pause. “I mean, ya can’t just call him human, right?”
“She’s got a point,” Garnet agreed. “I recommend a name with staying power.”
Rose couldn’t stop smiling as she stared into her human’s eyes. “You know, there is one name that I’ve always liked. What do you think of Steven?”
The baby happily burbled.
“Hehe, I think he likes it,” Amethyst cooed, also fawning over the little guy.
“Well, Steven, it is, then,” Pearl accepted. She was still a little wary, but was open to whatever it took to make her Diamond happy. Besides, Steven might turn out rather interesting.
1 Begin with the early days of raising baby Steven
2 Steven’s childhood and education
3 Steven’s early teen years (around when the show starts)
4 Steven’s later teen years (later seasons)