Reasoning that convincing her mom to let her help was futile, Lorelai decided to visit some friends. So, she pulled out her phone and dialed. “Jo, you there?”
“Lori!” Jo cheerfully greeted over the background commotion. “You sound sober. Feeling alright after the party?”
Lorelai rolled her eyes while Molly chuckled. “I only had, like, a couple of shots. Plus, I ate a lot, which countered the…” She trailed off, suddenly mindful that her mom might be listening. “It doesn’t matter. The point is I’m pretty sure we both have the day off, so we should do something.”
“Well, you’re half right,” Jo tiredly corrected. “I agreed to cover half the morning shift. New hire and all. But you can meet me here, and we’ll do something after.”
“Sounds good. And will Kid be there?” Lorelai asked, hearing the snicker over the phone.
“As if you need to ask.”
Lorelai chuckled. “Yeah, I guess. Well, see ya then.” And she hung up before staring at the tiny girl wedged snugly between her ample breasts. “Kid’s available,” she teased while suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.
Molly rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I heard, but why does it feel like you keep trying to set us up?”
Lorelai shrugged as she grabbed her wallet and headed outside. She could have driven, but Jo’s diner wasn’t too far, and the neighborhood looked pretty under the dawn’s early light. The area was much the same as any other, Lorelai imagined. They lived at the city’s edge, with suburbia literally across the road. On one side were dull-colored apartments and dual housing and business units like hers, while the other had a pleasant amount of greenery mixed with cookie-cutter homes.
“Do you ever wonder why there are two kinds of trees?” Molly asked as she peeked out of Lorelai’s top, her lower half kept cozy in her sister’s soft cleavage.
“The trees.” Molly pointed between the ground and a tree in a yard that towered over its house. “The trees down there are like mini versions of the big ones.”
Glancing down, Lorelai confirmed it was as Molly described. The miniature trees were like overgrown grass blades to the giant. However, she knew from getting low to play with her sister that real grass lay in the layer beneath. “Hmm, ya know, I guess I never thought about it. Trees are just trees.”
“Kid said there only used to be the smaller trees, but giants used magic to make them grow so they could hide from the sun’s heat,” Molly recounted to her sister’s amusement.
“Kid probably read that in a comic. Though, that does sound pretty cool,” Lorelai mused. “If I had magic, I’d want to make movies with a wave of my hand,” she said while flopping her wrist. “I’d make whole backgrounds and characters like a painter with a brush. That sure would make things easier. What about you, short stuff?”
“Hey, I’m not short!” Molly huffily countered. “By human standards, I’m perfectly average.”
“Don’t take that attitude with me, little miss, or I won’t let you meet your boyfriend,” Lorelai playfully chided while roughly pushing a finger atop her sister’s afro, threatening to submerge the small child within her bust.
“H-hey, quit it,” Molly laughed while batting her sister’s finger away. She knew she was powerless to stop Lorelai from doing anything. That’s how it was for all humans and giants. Luckily, Lorelai was nice enough to respect Molly’s boundaries… most of the time.
Finally, the Blyndeffs arrived at the diner. Mo’s Oasis Café was bustling with the breakfast rush with a crowd that threatened to extend out of the humble shop painted to look charmingly rustic. Delivery girls rushed in and out of the side door, forming a cargo train to cars waiting in the parking lot to pick up their orders, while more cars lined up around back for the drive-through. Reasoning that she was in no hurry, Lorelai stepped inside and scanned the huddled masses of giant women and girls for her target.
“Welcome to Mo’s Oasis,” greeted a tiredly distracted teen pouring a cup of coffee. The black girl was tall and very lean for her age, though she insisted her job provided a great workout for keeping fit. She had curly purple hair tied in a bun, torn black leggings, and a pink and black striped shirt beneath her white apron. “Like no other—”
Jo Porter looked up from her task and smiled at the familiar face. “Yo, Lori. Uh, j-just stand over there, and I’ll grab you a cup as soon as I’m free.”
Lorelai nodded and found a suitable spot against the wall to wait and people watch. The booths were packed with families. One or two giant moms sat with one to three giant girls in the main seats while their humans moseyed around atop the tables. The giant women mostly sat on the seats’ edges to guard their little loved ones against potential kidnappings. Such things weren’t common, but they were common enough that basic precautions were common sense. Besides, it was cute seeing the humans free to frolic on tables that, to them, seemed like track fields. Watching so many happy faces left Lorelai’s heart aching with loss, and she imagined it was the same for Molly. They both missed their dad, and only having one mom left the pair feeling somewhat stigmatized growing up. Their similar backgrounds were how the Blyndeffs and Porter first met, after all. So, Lorelai gently petted her little sister’s head for mutual comfort while they waited.
Then Jo approached and breathlessly informed, “Great news. A free spot just opened at the counter.” She then lowered her gaze to her friend’s bosom and the girl within. Then, smiling, she extended a finger to the human. “Glad to see you out and about, Mol.”
“You too,” Molly replied, shaking the giant finger like an overgrown hand. She craned her head to the side to stare at Jo’s tits. By default, most giant tops had cleavage-exposing holes for their humans to sit in, affording the little fellas a somewhat more even footing to socialize with each other and their larger peers.
Anticipating Molly’s question, Jo answered, “Mom has Kid. She’s basically holding him hostage, so I don’t take him and bolt.”
Lorelai chuckled as her friend showed her to the seat and poured her usual beverage. “Wouldn’t you, though?”
“… Shut up. Anyway, I’ll go get him in just a sec.”
Beside the cup of hot cocoa was a small plate for humans. As per usual, Lorelai’s drink had two marshmallows, which she put on the plate, followed by her sister. It was cute watching the little one munch on her treat, and the other giants in the diner agreed, with several having their humans out to share their meals. Some humans weren’t visible, meaning they were either inside their owners or simply absent. The thought of going anywhere without her sister in arm’s reach made Lorelai shiver. Molly had belonged to her for most of their lives, and going without her left the blonde-brunette feeling almost naked. She assumed the same went for everyone, yet some weirdoes still went without their humans.
“Aaand, here he is,” Jo announced while gently setting the boy beside Molly on the small plate.
“Hey, Mol,” Kid happily greeted. He had a similarly skinny frame to his owner, but with golden hair and glasses. His only attire was a knee-length skirt without underwear, threatening to expose everything when he sat, but no one minded. Humans often wore little to no clothing, making it easier for their giant owners to messily play with them without needing to carry a change of attire.
“Hey, Kid,” Molly replied as she munched on her cocoa-drenched marshmallow, likewise wearing nothing but her hoodie. “You can have the other one.”
“Thanks,” Kid accepted and grabbed the fluffy treat, only to sniff his arm. “Hey, do I smell? Flo had me in her butt.”
Without hesitation, Molly closed the distance and sniffed, making her nose crinkle. “Afraid so. Though, when you say in, do you mean…?”
“Just her panties, right up against her pucker,” Kid unashamedly blurted. As a pet human, he was accustomed to giants playing with his body in every way they could imagine. Technically speaking, by the time Jo became interested in sex, he already had loads more experience from all the times Flo used him. He was part of the family, like Flo’s adopted son, but being a human also made him a sex toy. The same went for Molly, who’d grown up well acquainted with her mom’s nether regions long before Lorelai’s first urges.
“Ah. Well, at least she didn’t fart on you,” Molly chuckled.
“So, you good?” Jo asked, anxiously hopping between her feet like she needed to pee as customers barked at her.
“Yeah, I got ‘im,” Lorelai confirmed, using her whole palm to gently pat Kid’s head.
“Good. I’ll be done in, like, an hour,” Jo said before rushing to the nearest whiney patron.
“So, Kid, Molly says you told her that giants used magic to make small trees bigger,” Lorelai accused with a smirk while the boy chomped on his treat.
“Well, that’s what I saw on TV,” Kid replied before swallowing. “It was a documentary about giants, how you guys just appeared out of nowhere one day, and how a bunch of other stuff just happened, and no one knows why.”
“Let me guess. You were watching the history channel?” Lorelai asked in bemusement.
“Did they mention aliens?”
“No. Well, I had to stop watching, so maybe.”
Lorelai rolled her eyes. “Don’t believe everything you see on TV, Kid, especially that channel. They’ve really gone downhill the last few years.”
1 Kid, Molly, and Lorelai casually chat about their lives
2 Jo finishes and invites them on a day trip
3 Jo wants to get the whole gang together for something
4 Jo invites Lorelai to her place for some ‘celebrating’  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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