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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1640179-Trample-and-Facesiting-Stories/cid/827373-Cable-Guy
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Chapter #2

Cable Guy

    by: TrampleFantasy

I had worked for the Telephone Company for a number of years now and really loved the job. Most of my time was spent working in a hole and enjoying the worms eye view you’d get whenever women passed near the edge. I’d spend day's just looking and enjoying the thoughts that used to run round my head, thinking what it would be like to be under those feet and feel the harsh crush of unknowing women going about their daily business. I was always in trouble as I seemed to take longer to finish jobs than the other workers and it wasn’t long before I was left to work alone on the jobs no one wanted – the outdoor ones and generally in the rain. I received a job one-day that interested me for some strange reason, it was a big job tracing corroded wires and renewing them without any real disruption to phones. It was the sort of job you could spend a lot of time on and no-one ever checked up on you and the icing on the cake was the portable tent you could set up over the hole to keep the rain off. Monday morning came and I loaded all the gear into the van. I was about to drive away when I noticed a large tarpaulin lying in the stock room, the heavy-duty type. A sudden thought occurred and I grabbed the tarpaulin and added it to the rest of my equipment and excitement hit me in a way it never has before. A thought had formed about how I was going to live out my fantasy – if all went according to plan I would soon be feeling the crush of women walking over me unknowingly. I arrived at the “job” at about 10am and looked at the plans I had been given – the cable in question was just outside a shopping center down what looked like an alleyway. My heart sank; not many women felt the need to walk down blind-ended alleys so it looked as if I would be denied my chance. I trudged to the spot and my eyes widened in disbelief, not 5 meters away from the planned hole site was a doorway marked “LADIES”. I couldn’t believe my luck, I was to dig my hole and work right next to the entrance of the ladies toilets. I immediately started to fetch all the equipment I would need and my hands were shaking in anticipation. I quickly marked out the hole and lifted the concrete then spread out the tarpaulin – deliberately placing it a bit too far over toward the entrance to the toilets. I started to dig frantically until I found the cable coverings and started to widen the hole. All the time I was doing this a steady stream of women would walk past, to and from the toilets, not paying me any attention. One thing I did notice was the fact that women would walk over a piece of the tarpaulin without paying any attention. During the course of the day the hole was finished and I erected the tent over the hole and cut out an eyepiece and watched intently. Women would come and go but stay clear of the edge of the tent by about half a meter. They did however take the shortest route to the toilet entrance, which happened to be over my strategically placed tarpaulin. Eventually I started placing small objects under the tarpaulin just to make the surface uneven and noticed it made no difference to the women; they walked over the tarpaulin completely indifferent to the uneven surface. A plan formed. Once the shopping center closed the stream of women stopped and I was alone. I waited for the attendant to lock the toilets then lifted the tarpaulin. At this point I almost gave up on the idea when I noticed the small stones and objects I had hidden were completely crushed from the constant trampling of women. I needed a safety margin but would worry about that later. I extended the edge of the hole to the point where the women walked and covered it with wood. It was just deep enough to take my head and shoulders and I would be able to lie down from inside the tent. I replaced the tarpaulin and secured it by lifting concrete flagstones and pinning it down. The last thing I wanted was for the tarpaulin to move and leave me in view and probably arrested. I entered the tent (by this time it was getting dark) and lay in position, pushing the wood to one side. It was a perfect fit. As an afterthought I cut a small hole in the tarpaulin so I could get a view of who was coming my way when I was lying there. I packed up my gear and went home excited about what the next day would bring. Once home I couldn’t stop thinking about all of the crushed objects I had placed in the way. How could I ensure no serious injury? A thought hit me and I raced upstairs and went into the attic. After a bit of a search I found what I was looking for; a pair of safety glasses I used to wear for welding – very small but very strong. The next morning I awoke still tired, I had dreamt all night of women stamping, crushing, kicking and trampling me with no mercy, perhaps a sign of things to come? Eventually I arrived at my hole and quickly made sure nothing had been disturbed. Everything was as I had left it and I entered the tent, I figured I would spend the morning working and leave the afternoon for my enjoyment. I worked like never before all morning but was conscious of the occasional thud as someone walked over the plank of wood over my secret hole. I felt a rush with every thud. At 11:30 I put down my tools and prepared myself. (I’d probably done about 3 day’s work by my standards). I ensured the tent doors were tied shut and secure and put on my safety glasses. I slowly edged myself into the secret hole under the tarpaulin and moved the wood to one side. I was eventually in position and fixed my eye against the hole in the tarpaulin and watched. From my vantage point I could easily see the entrance to the alley and the entrance to the toilet. I lay there and waited, shaking in anticipation. I seemed to lie there for an eternity before anything happened, in reality it was probably only 10 minutes, then I spotted a movement. A woman of about 30 years, long blonde hair and quite slim walked into the alley. She wore a pair of jeans, a jumper and running shoes. My heart started faster and I was sure she would spot me shaking under the tarpaulin but she continued without any sign that she knew. Closer and closer she got till her right foot landed inches from my face and her left foot passed over me. It was a bit of an anti-climax but I was still aroused, I could feel hardness forming and throbbing in my trousers. A minute or so went by and she caught me by surprise on the way out, her left foot landed square on my forehead for about a second as she walked over me. I could feel the crush but the pain was far from intense, I figured I could keep this up for hours. Shortly after I heard voices and I spotted a group of girls coming my way. They all wore the uniform of the center supermarket and ranged from between 18 to 25 years of age. None struck me as attractive but could not be considered ugly either. There were five in total, four seemed of average weight but one was easily the weight of two of the others. I noticed they were all wearing thick-soled shoes with the chunky heels of about 3 inches wide and the same high. I couldn’t tell if they were hard or soft soled but I was about to find out. The first girl got nearer and as she stepped down the heel landed square on my mouth, I realized then she was wearing hard soled shoes because the pain was so intense, she continued over me and the pressure relaxed but I could taste blood and started to panic slightly. There was nothing I could do of course and she had stepped on my face full weight because she knew nothing of the pain she was causing- as far as she was concerned the ground was no different under the tarpaulin than anywhere else. The second and third girls walked by without catching me but the fourth girl stood on my forehead with the ball of her foot and the fifth, and heaviest, stepped on my mouth with the sole of her shoe. As the last girl stepped on me I felt real pain for a second before she walked on, all the time I was looking up at these giantesses talking and laughing without realizing what they were doing. I felt like a small insect and knew I was just as helpless – if I attempted to move out of the hole the movement would be easily spotted and I would be rumbled and have some explaining to do. Another lady came round the corner, this one in her early forties and wearing a gray suit jacket and knee length skirt (probably one of the bank’s employees on her dinner break), I heard her before I saw her as her heels tapped out her arrival on the stone. She was wearing black stiletto shoes and looked stunning in them. As the click, click click got louder I found myself thinking “please don’t step on me, I don’t want to die as an insect”, The lady showed no signs of slowing down and reached ever closer. She was hurrying and really planting her heels firmly with every step and I hoped she would miss me completely as I didn’t know if I would be able to remain soundless if she hit. Suddenly the heel of her right shoe drove down into my cheek and the sole landed on the other cheek. The pain was excruciating and I almost shouted out, but she looked so normal as she stepped on my face and moved on. I couldn’t help myself from getting more aroused as I caught a glimpse of her stocking top and the naked thigh beyond. Even though she had stepped off and continued on her way, the pain still lingered and I could feel something wet on my cheek – I presumed it was blood. I screwed my eyes tight shut to try and shake the cobwebs from my head when I felt a crush on my forehead which did not go away. My eyes shot open and I had a magnificent view all the way up the back of one of the previous girl’s leg. Two of them had come out of the toilets and were waiting for the other three girls to join them and decided on a cigarette. One of the girls had her heel planted firmly on my forehead and was just standing talking to her friend. The pain was quite bad but bearable and I had no choice but to take it and watch. This girl was wearing red lace unties and the view was fantastic. As they continued talking, she raised her foot from me and stood on one leg while she scratched her ankle, the relief was welcomed, as the crush was becoming unbearable. My relief was short lived however as she placed her foot down slightly further back than before and square on my nose. It must have broken instantly and the pain was unbearable, tears streamed from my eyes and all the time she continued talking and laughing unknowing of the pain she was causing. At this point her friends emerged and she stepped of, twisting on her heel in the process and causing so much more agony than I had thought possible. Two of the other three girls missed my face as they walked over the tarpaulin but the last one trod on my nose and I think I let out a slight grunt of pain but no one noticed. I was really hurting now and was having second thoughts about the plan but I realized there was nothing I could do until the center closed. I was resigned to at least another four hours of torture and I started feeling a little nervous to say the least. The gray suited woman in the heels emerged then and slammed another heel right into my mouth as she walked over me, I felt a tooth snap and the taste of blood was back in my mouth, I was starting to feel a bit nauseous at this point and my face was a constant throbbing of pain. A woman rounded the corner next wearing a long skirt and long boots they looked pretty flat but I noticed a chunky heel just as it slammed into my eye- I was pleased I had worn the glasses- it hurt pretty bad but I managed to take the pain. As she stepped off, two middle aged women rounded the corner laden with shopping and both wearing those hard soled shoes with the low heels of about 2 inches in size. Onward they strode and I guessed they were a pretty heavy pair, the first stepped over my face but kicked my nose on the way past and the second stepped on my cheek. I could feel the skin giving under her weight and then she was gone. I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was because at this point I started crying with the pain. The first lady with the boots emerged but missed me on the way back; another lady turned into the alley wearing running shoes at the same time as the two large ladies emerged. All the women seemed to meet at the point where my face was and as one of the ladies stepped to the side to let the other through I got her heel full in the mouth and her sole on my forehead for about three seconds then she moved off, spinning on her heel in the process, I felt another tooth go. I must have picked the busiest time of day because the next hour seemed to be a none stop parade of women all walking over my face. Large women, small women, sharp heels, hard heels, flat heels, soft shoes, hard boots, pretty girls, older women, the list was endless but my pain threshold wasn’t. As the traffic eased off I attempted to shuffle back into my tent and pack up early. As I started to move very slowly, a lady rounded the corner wearing a red skirt and red heels of about an inch in diameter. As she approached I froze so as not to give the game away closer and closer she got until she stepped on my forehead with her heel which slipped and caused her to stumble. She was not to happy with this and returned to my face cursing the fucking council for digging holes. I heard her mutter “I’ll sue the bastards if my heel’s scratched”. I was terrified, she towered above me prodding the “ground” with her foot and commenting about how anyone could trip over the uneven ground. To my horror she started trying to trample the “earth” down with her feet, the pain was intense but I couldn’t afford to give my position away. She was looking at me and treading all over my face, she couldn’t have seen me through the tarpaulin but I could see the look of hate in her face. I heard a voice saying “ Hi, what’s happening?” – a younger lady wearing a short dress and boots with the chunky heels had seen her and stopped to talk. “I’ve nearly broken my neck tripping up on this fucking uneven ground and I’m making sure no-one else trips.” She continued to trample all over my face and was sticking at my nose, The tears were streaming and my already broken nose was being flattened and constantly pounded by the sexy red shoes. “It’s almost flat but this bit just won’t flatten, it must be a stone.” Said the first lady “allow me” said the younger lady and walked over. I was really crying with the pain at this point and I almost screamed as the younger lady placed her booted foot on my nose and started grinding my nose into my face as if she were putting out a cigarette. The nausea increased and I felt I was about to throw up but managed to swallow it down. The pressure released and I heard her sat “It is a stubborn bastard isn’t it, This will do the trick though” I saw her raise her foot and she looked beautiful- long black hair, well tanned muscular legs and a body to die for, I was horrified as it dawned on me what was about to happen. She stamped her foot down as hard as she could and slammed her heel into my nose, lifted her foot and repeated the process another two times. It may have been more but at this point I passed out. I regained consciousness much later, it was dark and the place was deserted, the pain in my head was intense and I could taste blood and vomit. I eased myself back into the tent and quickly and painfully filled the hole and replaced the flagstones, only the main hole was left. I loaded the van and went home, not a person was in sight, hardly surprising as my watch said 3:30 am. I arrived home and headed for the shower with my head pounding. I had no idea how many women had walked on my face after I passed out but it felt like thousands. I stepped into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and what stared back at me made me shout out involuntarily. My face was totally unrecognizable as human. My nose was just a large swollen lump of red flesh flattened to my face. I was covered in gashes and I had a deep gash running down my forehead (probably where the lady in red had slipped). I was missing four teeth and my lips were so swollen and cut up that they were four times the normal size. My left ear was torn and hanging limply on the side of my head- I presumed this injury was sustained when I was unconscious- and I was a mask of blood. I was so frightened of being more seriously injured internally that I made up a story about being attacked and went to hospital. In casualty the doctor said he had never seen such horrific injuries and wondered how a human being could intentionally cause so much damage to someone else with no remorse. I kind of smiled inside thinking that all the damage was done unintentionally and not as he thought. He estimated that I must have been beaten for a considerable period of time and someone must have stamped repeatedly on my face. I explained I blacked out after the first blow and didn’t know much about the attack and at this point blacked out again. I awoke in a hospital bed and heard myself moan. A soft voice spoke saying: “I see we’re awake now, are you feeling any better” a nurse walked to my bedside and smiled as she gently wiped my face clean of blood. “I think we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, the doctor thinks you’ll need at least a week to recover.” I looked at her and smiled. She was a pretty young thing, long black hair, well tanned muscular legs and a body to die for. The realization hit me and I started to laugh even though it hurt to do so. It was quite ironic really, the nurse who was to nurse me back to health was the very one who had stamped me into unconsciousness in the first place

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