"Yea, sure. I'll hang out." Rina said. Blair picked her up about 15 minutes later, in her '99 talon that she got for her 16th birthday. It took about 5 minutes to get to the party.
The party was at Cole's house, the star quarterback of the football team. He was average height, buzzed blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was cocky, but he could be because everybody liked him.
Blair and Rina walked to the back yard and there were already too many people, " I'm gonna go talk to Cole, can you get me something to drink?" Blair said. "Sure." said Rina. She walked to the other end of the pool, practically getting pushed in numerous times, and poured Blair some soda, as she turned to walk back to Blair, someone tipped the cup in her hand all over her. It was Stephanie, Cole's girlfriend.
Rina an Steph hated one another. Rina couldn't see what Cole saw in her. She was as skinny as a rail, freakishly tall, no tits, no ass, bleach blond hair and blue eyes, and she was so tan that her skin looked like leather. "Oops." Stephanie said sarcastically. Rina was so focused on Stephanie that she didn't notice her boobs grow again, soaking up all of the soda so that her shirt was dry again. "Why don't you watch where you're going, bitch." said Rina. "Excuse me? I'll show you bitch!" As she said that, she grabbed Rima by her straight black hair and threw her in the shallow end of the pool. As she stood up out of the water, completely soaked,she felt a tingling all over her body. She looked at Steph, and almost instantly shot up like a rocket, she was now about 20 feet tall, and each boob and ass cheek were as heavy as her original weight. Not one drop of water was left on her or in the pool, completely absorbed by her body. Her clothes were still very tight, but they grew to her size. The upper half of her body could be seen sticking out over Cole's house. She freaked, and ran home, jumping over house and fences with ease.
Luckily, it was about midnight, so many people were asleep or couldn't see her in the dark. She made it to her back yard, too big to fit in her house. She then remembered that the note said: "SPONGE". she immediately tried squeezing the water out of her boobs, only to be met with an orgasmic sensation. She moaned loudly, causing her neighbor to wake up. "Do you mind keeping it down? People are trying to sleep!" Rina froze, luckily her neighbor was practically blind without glasses, and he was half asleep. He closed his window and shut the light off. She reached inside her bedroom window, and went in her dresser and grabbed the note. She pieced it back together to find the way to shrink back down...