In the midst of a old fashioned Japanese style dojo sat one boy. He looked no more than seventeen or eighteen with curly brown hair and eyes filled with discipline and sadness. He simply sat in the middle of the wooden floor with a sword spread on his lap. He eyed it with what appeared to be a mixture of hatred and nostalgia. This boy...was Suzaku Kururugi, and the blade....was what he had used to murder his father many years ago.
"It was this day..." Suzaku muttered sadly, this was the anniversary of the day his father died; and the time when Suzaku never felt more self loathing. Sure, Suzaku was a high ranking Japanese man, a historical figure even in the discrimatory Brittanian society. The Knight of Seven in Brittania's Knights of the Round, Knight to Euphiemia Li Brittania aka the "Blood Princess", pilot of the Lancelot, and greatest enemy of Zero. Even so, Suzaku's life was one filled with tragedy. The day he murdered his father. His lover and friend Euphie went down in history as the catalyst of a masscre, and perhaps most harmful of all...his best friend was Zero.
In his grief over Euphie Suzaku hunted down Lelouch who was Zero and captured him, giving him the title Knight of Seven. But even so...Suzaku has on multiple occasions shown remorse for such a deed. Lelouch cursed him with a live...and against his will Suzaku had to obey. It was the power of Geass, the same power Lelouch used to become Zero...the same power he used to make Euphie cause a massacre. Suzaku cursed his fate, his cursed life, but because of Lelouch he couldn't end the misery.
Suzaku stopped dwelling on it all though and went to place the blade in a shrine to the side attributed to his father. He placed the blade before a picture of the stern faced man and rose to his feet. With a bow Suzaku turned and left. Right at the door, the Knight of Six, Anya, with her apathetic expression, was waiting.
" everything okay?" She asked in what seemed to be concern but with Anya there was no tone or expression to make such seem the case.
Suzaku's eyes lit up with false happiness, "Of course Anya! What are you doing here?"
Anya boredly handed Suzaku what appeared to be a vial, "You're a horrible liar. And I came at the request of Earl Asplund to give you this."
"Lloyd?!" Suzaku asked in shock, ever since becoming a Knight he hadn't seen much of Lloyd. "What is this supposed to be for?"
Anya shrugged, " Earl Asplund just said it would improve your capabilities within Lancelot. He also mentioned a slight probability of side effects in a nonchalant tone."
"Heh...sounds like him...." Suzaku eyed the vial of liquid nervously, "I sure hope it doesn't turn me green or something."
Anya pulled a PDA from her pocket and clicked a button, "Saved, if you do turn green call me so I can record it as well..." With no farewell or anything Anya turned and left. Suzaku eyed the vial with disdain, half tempted to get rid of it but he gulped it all down as soon as possible. Almost immediately later Suzaku fell unconcious.
All that Suzaku remembered after that was getting up, Lloyd's little concoction had knocked him out. But soon after rising Suzaku gasped, for two reasons. One; Suzaku was completely naked. And Two; his clothes were right before him...about a thousand sizes too big. Somehow, Lloyd's drug had caused him to shrink!
"I am going to kill that man..." Was all he muttered before a guest came in....