"I'll take it," Sarah said enthusiastically. She paid the shopkeeper a gold piece and took her potion back. Sarah made her way over back to Elwynn Forest to continue on her questing. Currently, she had a job to take out some of the unsavory Defias Brotherhood gang members.
She wondered around the forested region, until she came upon some Defias members congregating around a waterfall. Sarah was confident she could take them, she was after all the most talented mage in her class. She opened combat with a Frostbolt, injuring one Defias rogue upon impact, he wasn't dead, but at least slowed down from the chilling effect. His two friends nearby sprung instantly, rushing at Sarah, she countered by casting a Frost Nova, trapping them in place, giving Sarah extra time to get another spell out.
What Sarah hadn't considered was the possibility for more than three gang members, six more emerged from the shadows; all ready to kill and rob Sarah. Sarah, for her part, did about as well as could be hoped for, she burst off Arcane Explosion, after Arcane Explosion, injuring and even killing some of the Defias. Unfortunately for Sarah, her mana was depleting quickly, so she resorted to pull out her staff to deal out melee damage. The five remaining rogues were Sarah's physical superiors, they disarmed Sarah's staff from her hands leaving her defenseless.
Sarah was panicking, unsure what she could do against these odds, just then she remember her enchanted potion she got, perhaps the extra burst of strength could even this fight. She quickly downed her yellow elixir, not leaving a drop left. Sarah felt a crackle of energy within her. She felt her muscles tensing, bulging and growing stronger. Now she could take on these thugs unarmed.
But new found strength wasn't the only thing she was feeling. She saw her perspective from the ground begin to rise; her robes began straining and growing tighter around her waist and shoulders. She was growing taller in addition to being stronger. "It's some kinda spell, finish her off boys." the leader told his cronies.
Sarah felt confident in her strength, "Alright this is exactly the kind of situation I prepared for". She held her guard up and dodged their knife shanks, she countered back with a right-hook, knocking one of the men out cold. All during the fight, her body was continuing to stretch upwards, growing taller, the seems of her robe were tearing at the places that were just feeling tight. By the time the seventh man was defeated, Sarah was feeling a warmth in her chest, her burgeoning breasts were fighting against her bra, and her bra as sorely losing, but her robe was still covering that area... for now.
When Sarah knocked out the eighth man, her top completely gave away. The last rogue was stunned in place, too distracted looking at Sarah's enormous naked fun bags. With the last enemy paralyzed in her captivity, Sarah finished the man off with one swift punch to the temple. Sarah looked down at her shredded clothes, "Ughhh, now I've got to get this repaired. That potion did what I wanted it to, but not these side effects..." Sarah had grown to an extremely tall 7'6", her breasts had grown to absolutely huge T-cups. "Well at least the potion is temporary."