"What is it Mami, are you going to order takeout" Maria said with an excited look on her face.
"No bebita, I will call your uncle Abran and get him to show you how to drive using his big van, you can learn how to drive and get your license!"
"Oh" Maria said a bit disappointed, "Okay that sounds good Mami"
"Good I'll find the telephono and call him to make sure everything is okay" her mother said as she walked upstairs to get the home phone too call him.
Maria took this as a chance to eat the ice cream that had been cooling her down, she proceeded to grab the ice cream that was behind her neck and then pulled a spoon out of her cleavage and proceeded to eat.
"Ewwww la chica gorda" her sister Gabriella said in disgust, "did you really pull a spoon out your boobs, that's nasty I know you're fat, but that is just gross" she said as she made a face of disgust.
"Shut up pequeña" Maria whispered as her mother talked upstairs, "I'll eat you like I did your pet guinea pig" she said as she tried her best to make an evil looking face and smiled.
"MAMIIIIIIIIIIII!" Gabriella shouted in fear as she ran upstairs to talk to her mom. "Maria is saying she's going to eat me again" she ran crying.
"Good riddance" Maria thought to herself, "now I can eat my ice cream in peace without that little brat annoying me" she said out loud. "Though, I will admit, her Guinea Pig, Hamster, Turtle, fish and annoying Chihuahua were delicious, I wish she would get a new pet for me to try" she thought to herself as she ate her ice cream. Her parents thought Gabriella was irresponsible and decided not to get her another pet after her Chihuahua "ran away" but Maria knew what really happened as she thought about the past and chuckled to herself as she proceeded to drink the rest of the melted ice cream. She then saw her mother start walking down the stairs. Gabriella was crying about her threat and her mother was trying to calm her down.
"Maria stop scaring your sister and reminding her about her lost pets mija" her mother said, "BUT MAMI, I didn't lose them, FATASS over their ate them" Gabriella said while wiping her tears. "Jovencita, go apologize to your sister now" her mother shouted, "but mooooooom", "ahora mismo Jovencita" her mother shouted!
"I'm sorry I called you a fatass Maria" Gabriella said looking down, Maria then pulled her closer and whispered, "Don't worry I won't eat family unless I'm really hungry and theirs an annoying brat around" she said as she made a toothy grin and stuck out her tongue, "MOMMMMMMMMMMMMM", "Calm down mija, I need to tell Maria something, please be quiet." he mother said running out of patience. Gabriella then ran up to her room angrily.
"I just talked to your uncle, he's busy right now but he said you could practice with one of his employees from the catering company. He said that they were just wrapping up a large banquet dinner and his employee Julio could teach you to drive, the dinner was in the neighborhood so he'll be here soon, get ready mi angelita, you're going to learn how to drive today" she said with a big smile on her face
"Great, I'm finally going to learn how to drive" Maria said with a look of excitement on her face, "can you bring me a dozen empanadas so I won't get hungry during the drive and can concentrate" She added trying to look as serious as possible.
"Of course, I want you to be concentrated on the road not su vientre" her mother replied bringing her the dozen empanadas which Maria began chowing down on as soon as she placed them down.