"Ah, that's the last of it," Clark said before hopping into his car. Taking one last glance at Metropolis, Clark drove away. After saving the city for years, Clark decided it was time to get away from the world and put himself first. Even if the world needed him, there were people like Batman and Aquaman to help. Clark smiled as he passed the 'Hope you Enjoyed your Stay!' sign. "Freedom!" He shouted.
Every mile that Clark got away from Metropolis, he felt happier, but he couldn't help but feel a slightness of guilt. "Metropolis will be fine... nothing has happened in months! Besides, I need this. I deserve this!" Rubbing off his shame, Clark began to feel hungry. It was past dinnertime, and the sun had already set. It was another hour before he would arrive at his destination, which was too far away.
Clark pulled out his map and looked around. "Alright, let's see... places to eat." Clark looked all over the map, but no restaurant was near him. "Aha, here one. The Witch's Brew? Let's try it." Clark exited the highway and turned onto a dark dirt road. As he ventured through it, something began to seem off about it. It was probably his mind playing tricks since he was so hungry. But the longer he drove, the creepier things got. When he was about to turn around, Clark saw a faint glow in the distance. "Finally." He sighed.
Pulling up, Clark immediately regretted his decision. The place was run down like no one had stepped foot in it for centuries, but it seemed open. Stepping out of his car Clark realized that what he was wearing wasn't exactly appropriate. He was still wearing his superman suit, which not only gave away his identity but showed off his large package waiting beneath. He could change clothes, but his stomach had no time for setbacks.
Hoping for the best, Clark rushed through the door. "Hello? Anyone here?" Clark looked at the walls. They were made of old wood bound to break from the flick of a finger. The windows were shattered, and rust shined through the moonlight. "How old is this place-" "Oh, hello there!" A voice from behind him said. Clark quickly turned around to see what it was. Hiding behind an old cash register lay a petite old woman. "Well, look what we have here! Love the outfit." The old lady snickered. "I didn't know a body like that was humanly possible!" Clark blushed.
"Hi... do you serve.. um, food here?" Clark said hesitantly. "Well, of course, we do. We are a restaurant!" The old lady's voice crackled. She stared plainly at Clark's manhood. "I know exactly what you need." The old lady ran through the door behind her. "Hey! Where are you going?" Loud bangs and booms echoed through the restaurant. The clattering of pans made Clark have to cover his ears. "What are you doing?!" The noise halted and the woman walked back out.
A small wooden container and glass were in her hands. "Here you go, on the house!" The lady gave him the food. "Thanks..." Clark took the container and began to leave. "Wait, don't forget your drink!" The old lady held out a glass with thick green liquid. "Oh, yeah. Almost forgot." Clark grabbed the drink from the old lady and ran out of the restaurant. "Thank you for coming!" The old lady shouted.
Even though Clark had nothing to fear, he didn't want to be near that lady any longer. "Freak." He yelled, even though she probably didn't hear him. Clark pushed the food aside and drove quickly, rushing to get home. His stomach growled in hunger. "There is no way I'm eating... whatever that is." Clark still needed to start his vacation. He didn't want to be poisoned before it even began! He had some food at the house. He could make it! But, as he neared the highway, a strong smell of deliciousness crossed Clark's nose. "What is that?" The smell seemed to be coming from next to him. Looking down, Clark saw the wooden container. "Why does it smell so... good?"
Clark's stomach growled. He put his hand on his head. "No! No! No- But it looks so good... No! I am not eating that!" Clark smelled the delicious scent again. He still had another half an hour of driving. His pride quickly disintegrated. "Maybe it will be good?" Clark pulled over his car and picked up the wooden container. His mouth watered from the smell. Opening it, Clark took a look to see what was inside. His food practically glowed. Inside was a cheddar-stuffed burger with pickle slaw and fried shallots, his favorite. Clark picked it up and sniffed the wonderful smell. Taking one more glance, he dug his teeth right into it. A wave of ecstasy rushed through Clark's body. "Holy shit, that's good!" Clark took another bite and another. In just a few seconds, the burger was gone. Not a crumb left.
Clark's stomach stopped growling. "Wow." Clark licked his fingers. That burger was the best thing Clark had ever had. What was that? He could feel the burger go through his body, giving him a weird sensation. Suddenly an intense quenching for a drink set in. Looking around for something to satisfy it, the only liquid was the green shake. Without thinking, he glugged it down. It too, tasted delicious, almost as much as the burger. Clark let out a loud belch and rubbed his lips. "Not bad!" Clark rubbed his stomach and began to drive again.
A few minutes later, he arrived at his destination. A large mansion in the woods, separated from the world. "Ahh." He said as he opened the door. "I'm exhausted." Clark had become quite tired from his drive. All he wanted to do now was lay in his cozy bed and sleep. "I'll get my stuff later." Walking upstairs, Clark didn't care to take his suit off before jumping into bed. In just a matter of seconds, he fell asleep.