With a soft smirk, Rouge softly clapped her hands together. “You know the drill; it’s time for your morning exercise dear.” Her hands vanished from view and from between the vast moons that were the woman’s breasts you could hear clicks, the sound of her undoing her bra. A couple clicks rang in your ears when the tight purple underwear flew off with a soft pop; Rouge’s enormous breasts seemed to jump out at the freedom of open air, constantly wearing bras two-sizes too small tended to do that after all. The sudden motion couldn’t help but knock you off your feet as the breasts slowly jiggled to a stand-still. Your memories were still playing catch-up though, what did Rouge mean by “Morning Exercise?”
Either she seemed to notice the confusion or grew impatient, (Probably the latter) because Rouge’s deep, seductive voice seemed to explain. “Go on, start climbing. You’ve already wasted a minute, only nine left.”
Nine minutes?! I’m on a time limit?! You didn’t think about it anymore, when Rouge gave a time limit she tended to follow through on the penalties for failing; even if you couldn’t quite remember the penalty you knew you didn’t want it, so you began climbing Rouge’s right breast. It was what she wanted you to climb…right?
To climb a breast, a foot, or even a toe, none of it was new. You grab a good hold of the squishy flesh; hoist yourself up, and repeat; much harder than normal climbing since flesh wasn’t exactly stable; much harder because Rouge’s breasts were nothing but a squishy mass. Regardless, with your experience over the years, you climbed. It felt odd though, your body felt…weak, out of shape, beaten even…You guessed that in this…reality or whatever it was, it was just an effect of being Rouge’s….husband, still, it impeded your progress a bit. Thank heavens a couple of feet up you reached a wrinkle, likely from Rouge sleeping in a way that pushed something against her, but to you it served as a solid area you could climb much easier than the rest of her breast, when you reached it your pace picked up considerably.
“Five minutes.” Rouge giggled, tapping the clock beside the bed.
You ignored her, focusing more on working out your memories. You married Rouge…there was about three years of just you two and then….yeah, she was horny one night; and in a perverted impulse, strapped you to a dildo and proceeded to pleasure yourself. Inside her woman parts you ended up spreading your seed…and somehow it landed and blessed Rouge with a daughter, a daughter she named Sarah. Right off the bat Rouge tutored Sarah on how to properly treat you, in fact; by the time she was one her first word was torture, and by two her first sentence was “Lick my feet” Rouge was so proud. Now she was about 19, heading to college and living home. She had dark purple hair and a pale-ish beautiful complexion like her mother; and she seemed to pick up on her dress habits a boot too, tight fitting outfits, miniskirts, and boots, barely covering a figure that, believe it or not, surpassed her mother’s. That wasn’t all that surpassed her mother’s too, she was more creative, she had tortures you never even imagined possible. Oddly enough…in a weird way, you loved Sarah to death…and even weirder still, it seemed like you didn’t…completely hate Rouge, maybe even loved her too…was this how you were in a life with Rouge? Tortured but happy?”
Years passed with Sarah…and her tortures grew worse, as did Rouge’s as a way of keeping her power over you. Eventually Rouge grew tired of keeping the place clean for you and Sarah, (Which she didn’t anyway, she made Sarah and you do it, and in turn, Sarah made you do it.) So to ensure the house stayed clean, she hired a housekeeper, a maid named Evelyn. She was actually Rouge’s old college roommate, but, from what you can tell, Rouge basically stole what would’ve been her job, and, without any backup plans for herself, ensured Evelyn a miserable life, her current one. When Rouge found out she of all people ended up a maid, she made sure to hire her, just for the humiliating satisfaction. She tended to take out her life’s misfortune not on Rouge, but you, which only added to Rouge’s pleasure of having her. Evelyn was actually quite a beautiful woman, with a fair figure, dark brown hair, C-Cup’s, fair tan and well toned muscles, and even a nice woman; she just needed you as an outlet for venting.
With those three merciless torturers you were beaten, humiliated, and looked down on for the better half of your life, never finding it even the slightest bit tiring or repetitive. And yet, you still had that weird happiness. Did Rouge break your will or something?
“One minute…” Rouge sounded gleeful, not that you understood why. Climbing her whole boob in ten minutes was impossible, even if you couldn’t remember the details, making it an inch or two had to be satisfactory.
What is she so happy abo- Suddenly you remembered, and realized how much you underestimated the Demoness’ black heart. The details of your morning exercise, it was her breast; that much was what you did right, ten-minutes was always the time limit. But, Rouge never once failed to punish you for not making it to the top. Often chiding how you were lazy and needed to be whipped into shape, it was just a playful excuse to see you try and fail for her every morning, the ultimate morning show. You couldn’t bring yourself to climb anymore, you should’ve known better, you shouldn’t have played along; but you did, and it was time to pay for it.
“Time’s up!” The giantess eagerly reached for you, picking you up with her continental purple-painted nails. There were shined, shined to the point you could see your reflection, what you saw was a beaten man who appeared starved, beaten, and overall unhealthy. It was enough to make you feel sorry for the man as if he were a stranger, but he wasn’t, he was you. You didn’t have the will to fight it as Rouge lifted you up and mocked you.
“Failed again I see. Even after I let you sleep between the girls! I let you out of your nylon-bed and let my feet get all cold over the night just for this too! Honestly, sometimes I swear you’re just worthless. But its okay, I’ll make sure to make you into something worthwhile.” She winked, bringing you closer to her lips. “Love you…” Her stank morning breath made you gag as two colossal purple lips threatened to engulf your entire being.
She pulled you away, smiling. “Let’s start toughening you up mister!”
You paled as Rouge plotted your torture.