Path to this Chapter:
  1. A day
  2. Boy
  3. Who are you?
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1718260-Super-Hero-Team/cid/2669733-A-day
by Ryan
Rated: ASR · Interactive · Sci-fi · #1718260
You somehow get super powers. Form your own super hero team, or ride solo.
This choice: A day  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

A day

    by: The prophet
It was night time in the city of Windermere and while in his room, 16 year old Roberto Morse is sitting on his bed staring at his white blank wall, completely in the dark. Roberto or aka Robert couldn’t believe what had happened to him but as he looked at his hands, that glowed with blinding light, he knew that This was not a dream, that what had happened at Misty Birch park was all real.

“Oh man, oh man, oh man, what am I going to do?” Robert asked getting up and pacing around his room.

“I’ve got to tell someone, but who should I tell?”

Robert thinks for a few minutes and finally comes up with a answer.

“I know I’ll tell Arnold.”

Arnold was Roberts best friend, ever since elementary school, that is saying something because Robert didn’t have many friends. Arnold always had Roberts back and vice versa. Robert couldn’t tell his parents who were down stares right now watching tv together, nor could he tell his 18 year old sister, who he didn’t get along with at all, but still loved with all his heart, even though he would never emit it to her face. Robert didn’t know how they would react, therefore Arnold won by default. Robert picks up his phone from off his bed and dials Arnold’s number as fast as he could.

“Hello?” Arnold says sluggishly.

“Hey man I need you to come over like right now.”

“Robert? Why are you ok?” Arnold asks still trying to wake up.

“I, I just need to speak with you man please.” Robert says anxiously.

“Ok, ok I’ll be there soon.” Arnold says a little annoyed.

You felt bad waking up Arnold when he was just trying to get his beauty sleep, but sleep could wait, especially after what happened.

It only took Arnold a few minutes to get to Roberts house. Arnold didn’t use the front door like a normal person, no instead he climbed up to Roberts window, which wasn’t all that strange to Robert. Arnold had done that ever since Robert had known him, plus it helped because your parents didn’t like anyone to come over when it was night time, so yea it worked out for everyone.
“Hey man why did you want me to come over so late.” Arnold asked as Robert helped him get inside his room.

“Ok man, I got one hell of a story for you.”


Robert was walking down the sidewalk. He wore a black jacket a white shirt , and blue jeans with black Nicky shoes. Robert liked taking a walk at night, he loved feeling the cold night air brush up against his brown skin, and blow through his curly hair. It helped him think, especially when he was going through hard times. Robert had another fight with his dad about going into the family business. Roberts dad was the owner of a plumbing business and had always wanted Robert to fallow in his foot steps, but Robert never wanted to go down that path. Robert wanted to do more with his life, but he didn't know what that was yet.

Suddenly something breaks Robert out of his thoughts. Robert looks up towards the dark sky and sees something falling, what ever it was, was big and bright. It looked like a meteor, and it was headed towards Misty Birch Park.

“Boom.” The meteor lands in the center of the park, shaking the surrounding with a earthquake.

Seeing the meteor crash in the distance, Roberto sprints towards the crash site. Roberto entering the park is confronted with black smoke that insulted his lungs with vile gas. Robert looked around at his surroundings, trees were destroyed, and on fire, the ground was up lifted, the once clean roads were now filled with cracks, and were destroyed. That was one hell powerful meteor Robert thought.

Robert made it to the crash zone of the meteor, but what he sees isn’t a meteor at all, but a 50 ft man wearing strange clothing. Robert stand still unable to move.

The 50ft man looked injured, Roberto wasn’t a doctor, but the 50ft man looked really injured. Robert soon finds the strength to move and walks towards the giant man.

The giant man begins to movie and looks towards Robert. Robert stops moving after realizing that the giant man had noticed him.

“@#$&#(#)$$(@72.” The giant man begins to speak in a language that Robert didn’t understand

“I’m sorry I can’t understand you.” Roberto says pointing to his ears.

The giant man looks at Roberto for a few minutes with a little annoyed look.

“Is this better child, are you able to understand me now?” The giant man asks.

“Oh yes that much better.” Robert says a little surprised by the recent change in the giant mans speaking.

“I swear you lowly little creatures language is so annoying.” The giant man says with a arrogant tone.

“Well sorry if we can’t be as good as you.” Robert says sarcastically with a little bit of attitude.

“Oh it’s alright, not really your fault.” The giant man says, actually thinking that you had truly apologized to him.

Robert was not in the mood for this p, not after having it out with his dad. But even though he wanted to walk away he could leave a injured man.

“Hey look man you are badly injured should I call a ambulance?” Roberto asks.

The giant man starts to smirk and giggle.

“Like your human science can fix me? What a joke.”

Ok that was the last straw, Robert was tired of this mans arrogance.

“Ok well sorry for trying to help! Good luck dude!” Robert says as he started to walk away.

“Wait mortal.” The giant man says

Robert stops walking and turns around.

“Look mortal I am in need of your assistance.” The giant man says.

“Oh really you need the help of a lowly mortal such as myself?” Robert says copying the arrogant tone of the giant man.

The giant man wears a unsatisfactory look.


“Ok what can I do for you.” Robert says with a little pep in his step.

If it was one thing Robert liked it was putting jerks in their place.

“Look mortal You know I am injured, but in truth I’m not going to last much longer, not with out aid.” The giant man looks down at Robert.

“What can I do to help?” Robert asked. Robert didn’t like this giant jerk, but that didn’t mean he wanted him to die.

“Mortal, we must fuse together.” The giant man says.

“Excuse me.” Robert asks I pot sure he heard what the giant man said.

“We must fuse together. Only by my essence being fused into your body, can I continue to live.”

“What will happen to me, if we decide to do that.” Robert asked a little worried.

“Nothing my subconscious will fade into your psyche, so you don’t have to worry mortal.” The giant man says.

“Ok man my name is not mortal, it’s Roberto Morse.” Robert says putting his hands on his waist.

“What a horrible name, do your parents hate you?” The giant man asks.

“It’s a good name.” Robert says annoyed.

“That reminds me what’s your name, and what the hell are you.” Robert asks

“My name? My name can not be pronounced by people of the lower dimensions, so call me what you wish.” The giant man said.

“Ok I’ll call you Gray.” Robert says.

“Oh god.” Gray says rolling his eyes.

“As to were I come from, l come from the 5th dimension.” Gray says with a sad tone.

“The 5th dimension? What’s that like?” Robert asks.

“It is indescribable, beyond mortal comprehension.”

Gray looks down at Robert.

“So Robert will you help me.” Gray asks.

Robert thinks for a little while.

“Ok we can fuse or whatever.”

“You have my thanks, but a word of caution, you will have all of my powers, do be careful. Oh and one more thing you must never go to the 5th dimension ever.” The giant man says with a stern tone.

“Ok. I won’t go to the 5th dimension.” Robert says feeling a little curious.

Upon making the promise Gray starts to transform into white smoke. The white smoke surrounds Robert, and then before Robert new what was happening, Robert started to inhale the white smoke through his mouth. As the white smoke entered Robert, Robert felt his body being tarred apart, pain indulged Roberts very being, but he couldn’t scream, he couldn’t move. It soon ended, the pain was gone, and Robert was on his knees panting. Gray was gone leaving nothing but a huge crater. Robert looked at his body, Robert felt good no great, and yet scared. What would happen to him.

“Oh man I got to get home.” Robert says.


Robert was indulged by a blinding light and the next thing he knew he was in in room sitting on his bed. Robert opened his door and alerted his mom and dad that he was home, then returned to sit on his bed.

(End of flashback)

“Oh my god man p, you have super powers.”

You have the following choices:

1. You test out your superpowers in the morning

2. You try to ignore this ever happened

3. 5th dimension

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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