As we stood their trying to make some sense of all this, Jake groaned, "what's the matter" Morgan asked, "I'm starving, I haven't eaten in hours", we stared at him, "we have just gained, for no reason that any of us can find, my I add, that we now have physical abilities that would rival Olympic athletes, an your worried about eating?" Morgan shouted, at him.
"I can't help it" Jake groaned, "Have you got anything?", Liam reached into his pocket and tossed him a chocolate bar, the rest of us returned to thinking, how had this happened, Giovanni sat there, wondering also, the four of them racked their brains over what had happened, but nothing came to them, they could think of could explain any of this,
Suddenly a thought occurred to Liam, he stood up, "Guys" he said, we all turned to him, "Yes" Jake said, "Something just dawned on me, apart from, the ones we have at the momment, do we have any other powers", there was a short silence, and then, Morgan said "what do you mean", "I mean" Jake replied, "what if we have more powers than the ones we have shown,
The thought of more and possibly greater powers hit them, "Think" Jake continued, "Since todays incident has anything else happened that would surgest other powers?" The silence echoed around the quarry, then it hit Giovanni, "Yes" he said, the others turned to him, "earlier today, shortly after practise, for a short while it was like I could see through things"
The other stared at him, "try it now" jake said, Giovanni turned his head, and stared at Jakes pocket, for few minutes it looked normal, then suddenly, it was like it was transparant you could see right, into his pocket, "You have 52 cents in your pocket, Jake" Giovanni said, Jake reached into his pocket and pulled the money out,
Let me try said Morgan, he turned and consentrated on the wall, but nothing happened, it didn't work for Jake or Liam either, "It appears, that you have an idividual power" said Liam, "it is, I surpose, possible that... ", "Wait a minute" Morgan said, "something happened to me earlier today as well" the others looked at him, "what" Liam asked a little annoyed, "well" Liam said "I was walking home, when I spoted Flatface O'Flanigen bothering a little kid"
Morgan paused for a minute, Flatface O'Flanigen, was one of the many bullies, who bothered Morgan, he was about fifteen years old, and had red hair, dispite his name, he was Irish, or even of Irish decent, "Well, Morgan went on, seeing that made feel angery, very angery, and I it was then, I noticed that there was a drain pipe directly above him, and I started thinking, about how great it would be if he got drenched, and suddenly, the pipe snapped open, and the water poured down on him"
"At the time I thought it was just good luck, but after all this I'm starting to wonder", A silence followed his story, then Liam said "Test it", "Eh" Morgan said, confused, "Try and make a object move" he paused for a moment, "here move this" he said, he handed him a rock, Morgan started at it and concentrated, and ...