As Kevin awakens, he feels somewhat weird, and he quickly notices something strange wrapped around his slim waist, covering his crotch and great ass. He immediately stands up and freaks out, ripping the empty huger shell right off his nude body. While he pulls the creature off, he could feel the long appendage or penis of this creature deep inside his rectum as it left his body. Kevin than thinks to himself, “Great, some weird looking spider thing has just rapped my ass!”
Kevin than tosses the empty carcass of the huger to the ground, amongst some lush plants, and he rubs his firm young ass because it is sour. He then gets dressed, grabs his towel, and then heads back to school through a short cut in the woods, with no intentions on telling anybody that some spider like thing literally dry humped him. As he walks through the forest, he starts to feel odd in his stomach, which soon switched to painful cramps. Kevin then falls to the ground in a fetal position, with his arms wrapped around his stomach, moaning in agony. To him it felt like something was inside of him, moving around, and eating him from the inside out. A minute later, he felt like his belly is going to burst. He then notices that something if clearly emerging from a stomach, and the shock of that, followed with the incredible pain, made him cry. Then as he felt his stomach being ripped open, he saw something emerging from his guts, and then as he saw a one-foot tall, insect like creature standing before him, covered in his own blood, just before he died.
As Kevin lies hidden in the foliage dead, the young alien runs into the woods, and begins an incredible growth spurt. A few hours later, the young gay alien…