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by Teus
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1742372
A Werewolf who forgot his past and identity ends up in another world full of anthros

A Werewolf who forgot his past and identity ends up in another world full of anthros

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Due to a discovery which allows werewolves to remain under control of its human counterpart, werewolves has become accepted as part of society, giving werewolves rights to exist, and be productive members of society, although there are some groups who still believe all werewolves should be hunted down and killed (but fortunatly its only a minority who believe that) There are some laws established however to ensure werewolves remain in control of their other tendancies...

1) No werewolf is to initiate an attack unless provoked and only ifor self defence
2) They can only turn other humans provided if its the only way the human would survive (ie the human must either be dying of a fatal disease or the human suffered a injury that he has no hope of surviving..) and also can only be done with the humans permission or if the human cant give permission than someone close to the person can.,

This is a story of one werewolf who ended up in another world and becoming the pet of a anthro wolf, and a ancient prophecy that will affect both worlds

NOTE: the transfer to the other world did have some temporary side effects, He arrives a fraction of his origional size, in his human form unable to transform to a werewofl, and he has a case of amnesia, for some time he still believes he is 100% human all though they will all return as time goes by, humans in the world is normally tiny in comparison to a anthro.


Shawn: A very briliiant 22- year old researcher that was working on a cure to a disease that he himself has contracted, who then gets offered to become a werewolf when it became apparent the disease was about to take his life...

Catherine: The current head of the werewolf council who offers to turn Shawn into a werewolf, also has later became very intimate with him...and later becomes a spirit that continues to guide shawn and even tammy to fullfill the prophecy

Tammy: A anthro wolf, about to become 16 and is excited to get her first wild human pet to take care of....
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1742372-The-Werewolfs-Redemption