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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #1744172
Enter a world where females are at the top of the foodchain

Enter a world where females are at the top of the foodchain

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Just a note before we begin. This interactive takes place within Brad Repko's world titled My Life as a Teenage Voraphile located at http://www.Writing.Com/main/interact/item_id/1200513-My-Life-as-a-Teenage-Voraph... .

In a world similar to our own women are at the top of the food chain. Most women are capable of vore, usually in several different ways. Those women that practice a vore lifestyle are issued licenses and are safe from being vored, as long as they keep their license on them to prove they are licensed otherwise there is nothing to keep them from being vored. Being at the bottom of the food chain men are under constant threat of being vored at anytime. Those women that can't vore or choose not to practice the lifestyle are usually safe though they can be vored at anytime like men if a vore capable woman so desires.

There are many different ways one could be vored. Oral vore is the most popular followed by anal vore. Hair vore is pretty popular as well followed by unbirthing. Not many girls and women choose to unbirth someone since it leads to pregnancy if they decide to break the unbirthed down for the nutrients. There are girls and women who are gifted with the ability to breast vore absorbing nutrients from the vored and changing a portion into breast milk and/or a bigger bust. There are other ways to vore though the chances of seeing them are slim unless you're one of the lucky ones able to do them.

Now for some rules. Please follow them.
1. Once you pick a character the point of view is second person. This means using "you" and "your" when referring to something to do with the main character.
2. The laws of physics are a little different in this world. People remain alive beyond the point they would normally die in are world. A person can live for hours or days within a stomach or womb if the vore wishes it. They can retain their consciousness even during elimination.
3. Once the main character dies DO NOT continue with a different person. Chapters describing the elimination aspect from an outside POV is fine however.
4. Confine what happens to the main character's POV. This means that if the character is in someone's stomach they can not see out of it or see at all. They can feel someone rubbing a hand across the belly and can hear the voice of the vore who ate them pretty clear while those outside will be more muffled depending on how far away they are. At least until their eardrums dissolve. Again elimination chapters can break this rule.
5. Every chapter should have a couple choices to choose from unless the next chapter is an elimination chapter of the main character.
6. Please use proper grammar and correct spelling unless it's in character for someone not to.
7. I will allow hard as well as soft vore.
8. I know that sometimes there has to be one sentence chapters but please only use them if it's necessary.
9. Since women have always been top of the foodchain the history of this world is different than our own. For example Martha Washington was the first president of the United States in this world.

Have fun reading and writing.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1744172-My-Life-as-a-Teenage-Intersex-Voraphile