Try the occupied room, it made sense, there was definitely someone in there. Walking over to the door you tentatively knock, and unsurprisingly receive no response. Opening the door reveals a short herm girl, with a pair of feet dangling out of her cock. She looks at you in shock. "I thought that was locked." She managed to say, she grunted, and the feet were out of sight, joining whoever that feminine form was shaping out her nuts. "I, uh, was looking for the nurse, or a nurse?" You say, hoping that whoever just started gurgling away in front of you, wasn't the nurse. "Oh, uh, this totally isn't a nurse. It's... one of the guides, for the freshers. I just wanted to churn her myself."
The story makes sense, "You can stay here for a bit. She said she'd be back in a couple minutes." Her balls groan as she says that, and her occupant thrashes, her muffled is drowned out by the intense gurgling. Within five minutes the herms unhappy passenger's nothing but a smooth load, waiting to be wasted. You expected the girl to blow her load into the reformers, but instead you watch as she quickly blows her load onto the floor, a skimpy, cumstained nurses uniform gets blasted out onto the floor, the herm catches her breathe as a pairs of black panties are drooled out of her dick and onto the floor. The girl shivers in delight feeling it happen. "Now they won't know which of us did it." She says pulling up her pants. Before you can react she's out the door and down the hall, like she nothing even happened.
You watch as she turns the corner and disappears, a smile of her face. A moment later, a door further down opens up. You close yours behind you and look inside. Finally a nurse, now you can get put on the list of people using the reformers, even if it was just for show. You wave and close the door behind you. "Hello, what can I do for you today?" She says with a pleasant voice and smile.