You decide that you want to visit this "Sugarcube Corner" place, it sounds simply lovely! Ponyville is famous for it's treats, as you recall reading in a travel magazine back in Manehattan. But, you never quite make it to the bakery, because a series of odd(But not entirely unfortunate) events obstructs you on your journey.
There you are, just minding your own business and happily trotting towards Sugarcube Corner, following the mailmare's instructions as best you can, when you feel a little drop of rain fall onto your head. Which is odd, the Pegasus ponies had sent out a message that there was only going to be a slight breeze in Ponyville today. Another drop hits you on the head, and you glance up to find that there is a pink, fluffy cloud hanging directly over your head. The thing is so fluffy that you could have sworn it was made of something other than vapor. Perhaps... Cotton candy?
You don't get much of a closer look at it, though, because the cloud, without warning, lets out a deluge of rain onto you, causing you to leap back in shock. You quickly pull yourself from under the cloud and shake your body to dislodge the droplets still sticking to your coat. Despite your best efforts to dry off, you're left soaked. And sticky. And smelling of... Chocolate? You rub your hoof across your side to wick off some moisture and taste it. No doubt about it, this is chocolate rain! You try to head towards the cloud to get a good look at the strange thing, but you feel yourself lose footing. And then you're having trouble stopping!
You're sliding! You desperately stamp your hooves against the ground to try and halt your momentum. But it's no good, the floor must be made of soap or something! You spin out and crash into one to the nearby buildings, which, after the impact, folds down and reveals itself to be nothing more than a cheap cardboard cutout of a real home. What in Celestia's name is going on here?
You stumble to your hooves, still dizzy from the crash, and try to get your bearings back. This proves to be difficult when the sun immediately sets. Thankfully, it's back within a few minutes, leaving you even more confused. Just when you think you've figured this place out, something completely different happens! You have no idea why this is all going on, the travel guides said nothing about all this maddening confusion. It's almost as if the whole place has been thrown into chaos!
You briefly consider fleeing, lest something else terrible happens, but you never get the opportunity. Before you can dwell on the thought a moment more, you...