Alko portals in with Tom and Tiff's Aunt Jilly. Aunt Jilly says, "He portaled in. I was a little shocked, but he explained. He is telling the truth that he's a reformed evil wizard and now he's good., isn't he?"
Tiff says, "Yes. We defeated him so many times in different timelines. He gave up being evil and joined us. He's cool."
Sarah says, "You two just missed Crystal and Tom's lottery win."
Alko says, "You are magical and make anything you want. Why do you need money?"
Crystal says, "Mostly as a cover, so if we have a big house and no wonders how we got the money to pay for it. Or we can spend time being superheroes and people won't wonder why we don't work. We'll be giving most of the money to charity."
Tom says, "Most of us haven't been going to church regularly before today, but after today in other timelines we've been all attending Church regularly. All because Crystal used Scripture to encourage me when we first fought Alko."
Crystal says, "Tom's magic also got stronger when I kissed him to show that our magic is loved based. Alko finally saw that love is stronger than hate. Besides, when I almost went over to the dark side, our term for going over the hate-based magic, because of strange events, I wanted to kill my parents because of what they did on one timeline, Tom bought me back by never giving up on me and didn't let me kill my parents."
Jilly asks, "I would never believe that about you. What happened?
Crystal replies, "Even prior to us knowing we are magic, my parents in that timeline, participated in child abuse to my brothers. Chad in turn bullied people in school and abused Tom here. I, unfortunately, I also did. We got carried away on a Truth or Dare game. Fortunately, I recovered my memories and magic and got Tom away and help him recover his memories. Anyway, my parents were released from jail and came to my senior prom and threaten my friends and me. I was super- scared, even tho I was magical. The other wizards stopped them. When I wanted to kill my parents Tom had to imprison me in my ring, and then came in to continue to try to convince me. He wasn't even sure if he could get out on his own. I'm glad Tiff came along and freed us."
Jilly says, "Love will always find a way."
Crystal says, "Agreed. That made me even fall more for Tom"
Alko says, "That is one of the reasons, I reformed. I, like them, remember other timelines.I know they always defeat me, even when it was just Tom, and Crystal inspired Tom with Scripture and Tom prevented Crystal from going to the other side with love. I've never seen love as strong as theirs. I got tired of losing. I decided to try the bright side. Jilly, don't worry, if I ever try to go back to the dark side, you have all these wizards to put me in my place. I do love you, Jilly"
Time for a makeout session; continue with sleep