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Being a 7 year old in daycare is bad, shrinking is worst |
Being a 7 year old in daycare is bad, shrinking is worst
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You play Tony,a young 7 year old boy. Your mother has placed you in a daycare for toddlers for the day, you have no idea why. And if things weren't bad enough you start to shrink. Are the kids nice or mean? That's for u to decide.
1.Keep the majority of the interactions to the kids at the daycare and u.
2.Don't kill him off, if u have to,by just smashing him. Be a little more creative.
3.He can die, as stated before, but it takes quite a bit so don't be afraid to go into detail.
4.Details details details! Don't say stuff like it smelt bad or he screamed in pain cause it hurt. Add details.
5.The age of the kids at the daycare range from 5 to 2 and may wear either pull ups or diapers.
6.Don't leave only one option. Same goes for leaving many options that are exactly the same.
Follow these rules please and have fun.
Edit: I save the right to edit or delete chapters if rules are not followed. If edited please don't take offense, it was most likely edited because of a small rule violation or it was a little hard to read. If deleted please do not repost it, it was deleted for a reason. If I delete 3 chapters from one user in a short period of time I will no longer allow them to add chapters, sorry but those are my rules. If they are not to your liking post in another story. |
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