You ponder. Jackson is always showing off his martial arts prowess to you, you should show off to him now you have something he can't do! Well, admittedly Jackson says he does that so you can learn, but it still seems like showing off to you.
"OK, OK, watch this!" You say excitedly, and think of an image. You should have brought your phone with you to browse for some images. Instead you think back to the movie you watched last night. An action movie that was pretty memorable. Mainly as the hero's image stuck in your head. You concentrated and tried for that image.
Your head shifts, jaw becoming more chiseled, your skin becoming a bronzed, even tan and your hair sliding back to a buzz cut. Stubble appeared on your jaw, age lines appearing under your eyes, and your body swelled out, muscle definition forming on your chest, arms and legs, under a tight, torn T-shirt, and on thick work pants, equally torn. Blood stains appear on the shirt (you were remembering from the end of the movie after he'd been through hell), scratches and scars on your arms and neck, then finally a belt, heavy boots and other little details formed in.
"Come on punk, make my day!" You say, in the hero's voice.
Jackson stares at you, then a smile slowly spreads across his face.
"Ho. Le. Shit." He utters quietly. "You know that's a 60's or 70's movie reference right?" You frown. Gah, he had to spoil it!
"OK smart ass." You say, still in hero's voice. "Try this on.."
You concentrate again. You were about to do the bad guy from the movie, but change your mind. The... oh, OH YES! A grin spreads across your features as they seem to melt. Slowly you shrink, muscles fading to nothing, arms getting thinner, legs too, body shifting, chiseled chin becoming rounder, smoother... more feminine. Jackson's eyes go wide as a very pretty girl starts to form before him. Over the next twenty seconds your hair turns a reddish brown, extends back into a pony tail, and little flower like ear-rings swell up under your lobes. Your torso shifts, bumps forming on your chest as you concentrate, but not very well defined. This was the hero's cute daughter. Seventeen if you remembered right. He rescued her half way through the movie. Still focusing on the change your rump shifted, actually getting slightly smaller than before, but the rest of the body got much smaller, so it looked wider. The buttocks plumped up a little, thighs smoothed out and legs became more slender and toned. Then the T-shirt and Jeans shifted into a V-necked thin white blouse, and a dark dress formed below, tight around the thighs, spreading slightly to your knees. but just straps over the top, going over your shoulders around the blouse. Finally a red flowery broach swelled up on your chest with the words 'World's Best Dad' hand written in the middle.
"Hello Jackson." You say, coyly. "What are you doing here?"
Jackson's draw drops about half way through the transformation, and he goggles. At your comment though he bursts out laughing.
"Uh... no offense John... But no. So no! No matter what you look like!"
You groan.
"Trust me, I wasn't trying to get in your pants Jackson!" You say with a grimace. "I'm still me! I just look sexy now! Oh, wait! Another action flick!"
And before Jackson can object you begin shifting once more. Hair rapidly tints lighter, becoming quickly blonde. Wide gold rings form from the flowery ear-rings that were there before, then the blouse tightens riding up exposing your midriff. It tightens into a band like sports bra, and a dark mini-jacket slides across your shoulders, with a wide collar around your neck, and the small flaps of the jacket side hanging loose barely lower than your bra. Lower down your dress slides up, links and becomes a pair of blue shorts and a pair of golden Chakram rings with sharpened edges, as well as a long white staff forming in your hand. The martial arts character from that movie formed up, her body a little more toned than the last girl, and your arms, just as slender, picked up muscle definition, though without losing sex appeal. Finally a pair of flattened sandals with white socked feet completed the sexy martial artist look and you tensed, purposely moving your lips but not making a sound, then speaking while your lips weren't moving.
"Ah... tiger moves lightly. Sweep well young student!"
Jackson cracks up at the fake 'bad dubbing' and then shakes his head.
"That is a terrible set of moves John." He said, pointing at your staff. "And you probably want that staff a tad shorter."
You slump, glaring at him. In a normal female tone of voice you add in.
"Oh, the martial art's master speaks at last huh? Come on, seriously? You want to talk moves rather than looks? I have boobs Jackson!" And you can't resist pulling the front of your sport's bra forward, peering in. "Yup, definitely boobs."