Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1806121-Abducted-to-a-new-life
by Teus
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1806121
Every 25 years aliens come to earth to find men in need to escape from the life they have

Every 25 years aliens come to earth to find men in need to escape from the life they have

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You are Shawn a 16 year old boy who has very abusive parents... due to the fact that the parents are police officers it makes it nearly impossible to escape, until one day when the aliens return to the earth to find more male humans to abduct and bring to thier home planet chooses Shawn to be one of the people they take..

The aliens are a wise and kind race known to other alien races as the Fundari... a race consisting of mostly females, they come every 25 years to earth in search of male human to take back home with them... their selection process is dependant one thing... the target must be in imminent danger should the targets situation does not improve, they justify their actions because they are saving the human life.

The Fundari looks almost human except for some slight differences, they tend to be taller, has a slight reddish tinge to their skin tone, has hair ranging from green to blue, and has markings on the forhead, some fundari females are born with 3 breasts instead of 2
When arriving at their home planet the humans are prepped for their new life on the planet..

Athough there are male fundari they are in short supply,
all human abductees are bidded on by females.. to either become a mate, or to become a child of a fundari, or chosen to be a worker. but regardless of what the character is chosen to be he is treated well and paid well depending on what the person is chosen to be...
punishment is allowed but nothing to serious, punishments are usually having the perosn put though something embarrassing and punsihments can only last up to a day...
shrinking is allowed, face sitting is allowed, no vore, no death, with one exception if chosen to become a child he will be made to go though a rebirthing process in which he will reimerge as a Fundari child, either male or female. will all the previous memories intact (how its done is up to you)
Shawn can either accept whats been handed to him or he can be reluctant to accept his new life
Age is of no consequence to the Fundari.. and age much slower due to the planets atmosphere.. which also effects humans in the same way
For the first while Shawn cannot understand what the fundari is saying to him, which he will gain though the proaration process at the end which normally takes 2 weeks.. but for the sake of the story when most fundari speaks while shawn cannot understand say it in italics like "this"
with the exeption of Varis, Cleo and Freda as they are interested in having a human for whatever reason it may be they actually took the time to learn the english language as they felt it would make the transition easier for shawn
Shawn, 16 year old boy , who was abused by his parents later to be abducted by the fundari

Varis, a 23 year old, A female fundari looking for a mate, tall, red hair, and has 3 breasts

Cleo, A 25 year old, Female fundari looking for a child to raise, tall, blue hair and has 3 breasts

Freda, a 30 year old fundari looking to fill in some positions in her factory, short, orange hair
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1806121-Abducted-to-a-new-life