Back in the old days, George hated his job. Today he was in a good mood though. Because he had started at it at such a young age, he was able to retire at a relatively early age. In fact, this was his last day on the job. Over the previous 25 years, George had worked his way to upper management. Definitely not a job to get rich at, but one that provided a steady mid-range income. This security had also helped him find a lady to share his life with. While he had been the guy lugging garbage, he had had no luck, but once he became a manager, he had a few steady dates, and eventually found a good woman, Mary.
Mary was a curvy, buxom, and a bit overweight woman when he had met her at 35. She had not gained a ton more weight, but had not lost any either. Over the years, Mary convinced George that they should raise kids, and had a pair as an older couple in their early 40s.
Since they had their kids, though, George found that Mary was not nearly as affectionate as she once had been, and had rejected sexual advances for the past several years. George was becoming more and more discouraged and began questioning whether their marriage would last. He stayed with her though because of the kids, Jenny and Ben, now 4 and 3 years old.
Another advantage to being a garbage man, other than the stability that came with such a necessary job that not many people wanted to do, was that he often had come across throwaways that were actually worth money as antiques, collectibles, or curiosities. He had acquired a great collection and planned to retire to go full time into the business of buying and selling such items.
One item that he had recently acquired was an ancient book. He had spent the previous evening examining it, and found that it was a book that claimed to have magical properties. The final section ended with a blank page. In medieval English, the book declared that whatever was written on that page would become a reality once and for all.
George laughed at this, and put the book aside. "Such nonsense," he thought, as his mind became depressed by thoughts of his wife again. Mary would not share her body with him anymore, almost like the only reason she ever did was just to have kids. George loved the female form and really missed Mary's intimate sharing.
He looked over at the book, wishing that the book was true and would really make his wish become true.
"What the hell," he thought, and reached over for the book and a pen...