"Fine, I'll use it." Brad said. It was better to go along with his mom for a few minutes than to listen to her nag endlessly.
"Good." Vanessa smiled triumphantly. "Now while you get used to that, I'll start making dinner." She patted her son on the shoulder and made her way into the kitchen.
Brad knew better than to roll his eyes. Instead he opened the case and popped the CD into his laptop. The installation was done almost as soon as he inserted the disk, and a black window popped up.
Welcome to the Universal Program, where YOU take charge of your world!
Yea yea, Brad thought as he clicked the start button. The next screen that came up looked like a profile set up, but it was...different. First of all it asked for him to select a filter. When he clicked on that option, it opened a drop menu.
Advanced Options
Feeling a bit confused, he went ahead and clicked Gender, Which as most programs do, started on the Male Category, Suddenly the image of a man clad only in boxers appeared on the screen, along with more options and drop down menus. Above the image of the man was the words "Average Male Sample"
Quickly Brad realized that this wasn't an organizer at all, but looked more like a game. His mom must have picked it from the cover and title alone.
"Well, since she wanted me to use it, I might as well." Brad smiled and he began to fiddle around with it. From the looks of it, it was some sort of simulation game from all of the options that were given such as height, weight and so on. He quickly skimmed over them, selecting a few options that popped out at him.
Brad hadn't noticed the highlighted Mars symbol near the bottom, next to the Venus symbol decided to play around with this character creator, and since the model looked pretty lifelike, he decided to make a hot girl since he was just killing time until Dinner
Brad started making the character model a hot chick, increasing the bust size to a DD, shortening it to about 5 feet tall, giving it long curly blond hair, he had some trouble with the penis, he tried to remove it, but for some reason it wasn't allowed.
"Weird, why does it have to have a penis?" regardless, he shrunk it down to less than an inch long, the minimum, easily hidden in the blond pubic hair.
Happy with his creation. He pressed enter, two more options came up asking for the length of transition and if he wanted reality to shift according to his changes. not understanding what they meant, he kept them on the starting template of "Delayed 2 minutes" and yes, then clicked the "Begin!" Button.
A countdown started, and Brad watched it for a few seconds wondering what the game was like, if this was a game at all... When his Mom called him down for dinner.
He decided to check back later, and headed down to dinner, while the timer continued counting down.