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Stans silly daydreams of shrinking himself finally become a reality! |
Stans silly daydreams of shrinking himself finally become a reality!
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Stan is an adopted 18 year old living in a house with his family. Facing economic hardships, Stan shrinks himself to help out! Stan has always sort of wanted to be small and around giants but he never thought it would really happen!
Stan (You)-5'4 male who is always picked on for his height but secretly wants to be extremely smaller. His foster family treats him more like a friend than family.
Lisa- Your thick 45 year old hot foster mom who loves and cares for you but can be very strict. Adopted you a few years ago. F cup breasts with a curvy body and huge ass. 6 ft
Uncle Rob- Your 38 year old muscular 6 ft foster uncle who lives with you guys. Lisa and Brenda's brother.
Aunt Brenda- Your thick 47 year old aunt same body as Lisa, equally beautiful both extremely horny. Often sexually harasses you when shes drunk 5 ft 11
Stacy-Hot blonde older foster sister 5 ft 10
Mark-Older foster brother 6 ft 2
More Characters will be added along with descriptions in the chapters!
New characters are more than welcome
Anything is allowed except death, dead ends, farting or underage. Have fun!
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