She pushed the door open, alarmed by the fact that even her hands looked pudgier now. At the front desk was a woman slightly older than her--this was an assumption, as the woman couldn’t have been older than thirty. She was, however, a little pudgier than her. No, a lot. She held a gingerbread cookie in her pudgy fingers, biting into it, her round face almost glowing in revelry, her eyes alight with joy. Her ginger, wavy locks stuck out in all directions as she swallowed, her bountiful breasts bouncing as she leaned forward, pushing herself up slightly against the counter. With a wide smile, chicks dimpling, she asked, “Hi! Can I get you something?”
“Well, maybe a job application?” Natalie asked, noticing how the name tag clipped on her bust was labeled “Jessica.”
Jessica’s eyes lit up. She hastily drew backward, accidentally clanging her head against a dangling display, before withdrawing a paper underneath the desk. As she rubbed her cranium, tears in her eyes, she said, in a strained voice, “Here ya go. Sorry, just--yeah, clumsy.”
“It’s fine,” Natalie asked, glancing at the form. She quickly looked it over. However, before she finished it, Jessica took the form away, glancing at her with a look of confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“Look, do you want the job?”
“Well, kinda. I just got fired from my last job, and--” Wait, she shouldn’t have said that.Blush filling up her round face, Natalie stammered back, “Look, it wasn’t a big deal why I was fired. I just--it was a total accident, understand? Unintentional! I didn’t mean to--”
“Did you steal money?”
“Kill a bookie?”
“Uh, as opposed to kill someone else--?”
“Or was it just a clothing malfunction?”
Natalie sighed. “That’s part of the reason…”
“That’s not a big deal then. I mean, so long as it wasn’t illegal--”
“Well, I kinda took free food,” Natalie confessed.