Hannah balanced tray number three in both hands—it was a lighter course than the other two had been, simply because Mel looked like she was slowing down. It had only taken her twenty minutes to plow through her original meal and the scraps that Hannah had left on her plate, but it had been a little more than half an hour since Mel had started tray number two, which had been mostly repeats since everything had been so great. Since it was almost nine ’o’ clock, Hannah figured that a little dessert might be in order. Two thick slices of double fudge cake, a few cupcakes that were really little (probably store-bought but easily mouth-poppable for a girl like Mel) four sugar cookies and a monster-sized rice krispy treat bar.
Hannah idly fantasized about a day where Mel would eat twice this much in half the time, that big blonde butt of hers spread across a whole bench as she stuffed herself stupid while Hannah helped and rubbed down her various anatomies. Mel made Hannah wet by just being her, all several hundred pounds of her, and the idea of her getting any bigger was just… mph.
“Here ya go Mel!” Hannah said chipperly as she placed the tray down in front of her stuffed fatty friend, who burbled stupidly in response while pawing at the new plate, “Anything else I can get you?”
“No…” she grunted thickly as a low burp escaped her, “Thanks though… for… y’know…”
Every word sounded like it hurt her to speak them, which was fine by Hannah. Less time talking meant more time eating. And Mel could have all the time in the world as far as Hannah Hammond was concerned.
Mel had seated herself sideways at some point during the meal, allowing for her big billowing gut to spill out without eating up the table—which proved to be a very intelligent move, as she could still mostly reach her food, except for the arm facing outward which was too fat to reach past her big titties. Mel instinctively popped a cupcake in her mouth, barely tasting it, and chewed before swallowing. Repeat. Her legs had separated so as to allow her belly room to sit on the chair, which groaned at every slight movement Mel chose to make. She was spilling out of the chair from every angle, her big butt providing plenty of cushioning for all that woman. Her breathing was labored, cheeks red with glassy eyes. It was clear that Mel’s tummy tank was almost full up—but there weren’t girls like Rachel Elvers waddling around because Hannah didn’t push girls past their limits.
“It’s cool Mel, just y’know, making friends.” Hannah smiled cheesily, clenching her cheeks excitedly while she bit her bottom lip, “You want anything else?”
“Hm?” Mel asked sleepily, not noticing the repeated question, “Nah, jus… lemme finish up here an’ we’ll head back to the room.”
“Sure.” Hannah said patiently, watching as Mel popped another cupcake into her mouth.
“Mm… forgot how good stuff is here.” Mel chuckled thickly, “Oh man these’re so good.”
Hannah’s mouth began to water as Mel started to rub her big fat belly, drawn taut by all the food inside of it. The roundness of her uppearm and the depth of her stomach prevented Mel from actually reaching all of it, so she mostly rubbed her fat flanks, moaning erotically while sucking down food—leaving Hannah practically dry-humping the inside of her jeans.
“S’there, uh…” Hannah smacked her lips, “Anything else you want sweetie? Mel?”
“Oh… ugh…” Mel burbled, a low burp escaping her and still not noticing the repeated question, “Maybe uh… is there anymore pie left?”
“P-Pretty sure.” Hannah sputtered, “I can, uh… get you a few slices if you want?”
“No jus’… just one.” Mel mumbled sleepily before forking another portion of cake into her mouth, “Two. Topsh.”
Hannah walked off in a hurry, her steps clacking against the linoleum. Almost everyone had cleared out by now—girls with weak stomachs and early birds had officially left the building. All that was left now were the night owls and the heavy-hitters like Mel, meaning that the pickings were slim. Hannah had found a few pieces of pie (three) and plated them.
Mel made her so hot.
And if tonight was any expectation as to how Hannah could expect the rest of this semester to go—maybe even the rest of the year if she played her cards right—Mel was only going to get bigger and fatter. Much bigger. Much fatter. She was already so perfect, so greedy and enormous, it was hard to picture her any better. But Hannah knew that, given time, she could have Mel eating from the palm of her hand…
Mel would eventually finish everything put in front of her and, with great difficulty, Hannah helped heave that heifer home and put her to bed.
The next morning—